Eri's Mommy!

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 "It looks like he's finally getting some rest..." Momo Yaoyorozu let out a sigh of relief. It was the night that they had convinced Deku to come back to U.A. after he had left because of All-for-One. 

"Yeah, it looks like she is as well." Jiro mentioned as she agreed with Yaoyorozu, nodding her head towards Camie Utsushimi that was sleeping next to Deku, almost in a protective manner. In that moment Camie awoke, opening her eyes with vivid alertness, ready to defend Deku. She stared at all the eyes focused on her and Izuku. She regained some awareness, remembering that they were safe, calming back down. Lastly, she checked on Deku, reassuring herself that he was still there and okay, squeezing his hand. 

It was a strange moment for Yaoyorozu because it was such a genuine reaction from Camie, but then she said, 

"Time to yeet me back to sleep!" Causally passing back out from exhaustion, slumping next to Deku. It was almost as if their bodies began to naturally cuddle together, but not in a romantic way, in a purely protective way. In a way that could only come from comforting each other throughout the dangerous nights...  

"I still can't believe she stayed with him this whole time..."

Momo mentioned but it was strange because in actuality she knew that Camie was always by Deku's side. She didn't know why but that was exactly what frustrated her the most when they finally found him. Camie was by his side. Camie was there for Deku when he needed it... 

'So then why couldn't I be there for Midoriya when he needed me...'  

"I can't wait to see Eri, again!" Momo Yaoyorozu was in front of her vanity mirror, getting ready to head off to the agency that had hired her. She applied the make-up that covered those always purple bags under her eyes. She let out a sigh because for a while they had gone away but came back after she lost Izuku as a client. "Well no matter, I'm too excited today to be tired!" 

Izuku said he was going to pick up Eri and that they could meet at the agency. As Momo was getting ready she thought of something, "Oh, I'll make her a caramel apple! She loves those and Izuku was probably too busy to make her one!" Momo giggled to herself, excited at the idea of Eri's reaction.     

"There, all done!" She had prepared lunch for the three of them, along with the apple treat for Eri. Once she was ready, she left her apartment, dressed as a maid, ready to work at Izuku's agency and to spend time with Eri!

"I should probably get there early so I can clean up around the agency, just in case it already became a mess after the last time I cleaned it." Momo shook her head with a giggle. 

When Momo got to the agency she noticed that not only was Izuku absent but so was Mirko. 

"Hm, it's not as bad as I thought it would be." She glanced around at the different areas of the agency, debating on where she should start. 

"It'll be spotless before they show up!"  

Momo was about to start in the lobby/living room area, but noticed someone sleeping on the couch covered by a blanket, she had assumed it was just a pile of laundry when she first took a glance but now realized who was napping. 

"C-Camie..?" Momo whispered, not knowing why she grew a sudden tenseness. "I'll start somewhere else and let her rest." 

Momo kept trying to ignore the bubbling pit in her stomach as she cleaned around the agency. She was almost done cleaning. Ever since Izuku had reintroduced Momo to Camie as her girlfriend, they hadn't been alone together. It unnerved her because Momo kept remembering how Camie glanced through and acted as if it was the first time meeting each other. She couldn't understand it, Camie always seemed transparent and shallow but in that moment, 'it felt as if I was the transparent one... A simple looking glass.' 

As Yaoyorozu lingered on those thoughts, she started washing the dishes in the kitchen area, finishing the last of the cleaning except for where Camie was. Yaoyorozu could only hope for Izuku and Eri to arrive earlier to avoid the awkward tension that was building inside of her, but it started to come to a breaking point when she heard light steps approaching her. Momo's shoulders stiffened as she began to dry a plate slowly, able to feel her getting closer.

"Aye, this place is spotless, no cap." Camie whistled with a prep in her step.

Yaoyorozu cringed at her use of vocabulary but disregarded it. "Er, thank you Camie, I hope I didn't disturb your rest. If you don't mind, I'd like to start cleaning that area as well." 

Camie shook her head with a sway of her hips. "Nah, but, for real, for real I was wondering if you want help? Idk why but I totes gets pumped taking care of our home!" 

Yaoyorozu didn't know why but actually understood what she meant. "Yes, it is rather nice to have a place to take care of, isn't it?" 


And they both began to clean up the living room area together, with no tension. Momo couldn't explain it, as if the awkward reintroduction to them never happened. They were actually having fun, she didn't quite understand it, but her proper etiquette and language was such a stark contrast to Camie's bubble gum meme personality, that they meshed quite well, 'just like before... Maybe I was just overthinking it, like I always do. That must be it!'   

And before they knew it, they were all done. "That was a great job, Camie." 

"You know it, Yaoyorozu." 

Momo felt comfortable enough at this point so decided she should bring it up. "Pardon, if you don't mind me asking, Why are you referring to my surname, when you used to use my given name?" 

"Hm? Have I?' Camie pursed her lips with confused eyebrows, as if attempting to think. 

And that only puzzled Momo more so because she knew Camie wasn't that forgetful. "Yes you did, before Izuku and I started..." But Momo hesitated, not able to finish her statement. 

"Before you guys started dating?" Camie finished it for her in an asking tone before she continued with a ditzy attitude. "You know I probably did that because it felt like I was meeting the real you for the first time." And then she tilted her head, as her golden locks of hair swaying along, but instead of an everlasting smile, she simply had a hollow stare, as if seeing through her again. 

"Wh-What?" Momo was taken aback by the shift in atmosphere but stayed reserved and pressed on. "I knew it, you are upset that I took Izuku away from you, aren't you?"

Camie had an unfazing blink. "Hm? Izuku doesn't matter to me." 

"P-Pardon? Then why are you-," But before Momo couldn't continue, Camie continued. 

"Because Deku is always going to be there for me, ne?" And she finished her statement with a bubble gum popping giggle, seemingly returning to her airhead personality. 

"B-But..." Momo didn't understand what she was saying and was about to ask her to elaborate.

"We're home!" Izuku announced as he, Mirko, and Eri burst through the front door. 

Suddenly Momo's confusion turned to excitement as she turned to face everyone at the door. "Welcome back, everyone!" She happily greeted them as she took a few steps away from Camie and towards. 

"Mommy!" Eri's eyes lit up as soon as she entered the agency, running towards her. 

Momo began to feel a swell in her chest as Eri ran towards her direction. She was bending down, opening her arms to catch the running girl. She tilted her head and grew that everlasting smile as her eyes began to bubble with a salty liquid. 

"Mommy!" Eri repeated again, running at top speed. 

Momo was ready to embrace her and have another family outing with Izuku. 

Except Eri ran past her... 

"Mommy!" She cried one more time in joy as she jumped into Camie's arms...                                            

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