Chapter 9: For Shadow

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The familiar landscape of Midgar Academy opened up before Sherry Barnett, as stately and impressive as she remembered. The stone walls, intricately carved by craftsmen of old, were silent witnesses to the ambition and trials of Midgar's young elite, all aspiring to become esteemed Dark Knights. Shadows played along the grand corridor, their forms shifting and morphing in sync with each step Sherry took.

She was still dressed in the school's traditional uniform—a navy blue blazer jacket with white and gold accents, a matching skirt, black stockings, and pristine white high heels—designed to ensure she'd blend in flawlessly. Yet, despite the familiar attire, a peculiar sensation tickled at the back of her mind, a subtle reminder of the passage of time. After all, Sherry hadn't expected to walk these halls again so soon.

And why was she here?

Sherry grappled with the fragments of her memory, straining to recall the sequence of events that had led her to this point. Was it true that she had attempted to ensnare herself in the clutches of bandits just a short while ago? The notion seemed absurd, almost fantastical, in the sober reality of the here and now. As she shook her head, trying to dispel her wayward thoughts, a bell cut sharply through the corridor, bringing her back to the present. The surrounding students moved in a choreographed rush, propelling her into action. Right, she had a class to attend!

With renewed purpose, Sherry quickened her pace. The academy's familiar corridors, despite their labyrinthine design, were a path she had walked many times before. Yet, they seemed to draw her deeper into a maze of memories, a tangible echo of her past.


A voice, familiar and comforting, cut through her introspection. Sherry spun around, her heart lifting at the sound. It was a face she knew well, a face that stirred warmth within her heart.

"Cid! Cid, I'm so relieved to see you!" Relief flooded Sherry's features as she spotted him in the bustling crowd. She ran towards him, her every step radiating a sense of urgency. But as she lunged for an embrace, Cid skillfully sidestepped. When she regained her balance, Cid shoved a piece of chocolate right in her face with a dramatic thrust, his youthful grin beaming like a lighthouse amidst the chaos.

"Oh, Cid, that's Mitsugoshi... We can't support them anymore, okay?" Sherry replied, a bitter mix of concern and resignation tinging her voice. The knowledge of Mitsugoshi, the ones who brought chocolate into this world, actually being Shadow Garden had cast a shadow over her fond memories. Yet, even with this disconcerting reminder, Cid's smile held its purity, untouched by the grim reality. Sherry wavered momentarily. "Well, just this once...if it's from you," she conceded, opening her mouth and leaning in...

"Have you finished your mother's research?" Suddenly, out of nowhere, Cid's pupils dilated, swallowing the light in his eyes, creating an abyss of darkness.

Sherry stood still, taken aback. "What?" That wasn't Cid's voice, but it was a voice she recognized nonetheless. Sherry's gaze drifted downward. "I'm... I'm almost there. I just need a little more time..."

Lifting her gaze, Sherry found herself in the assistant principal's office. Behind the desk, framed by the austere surroundings, sat Lutheran, his mustache meticulously groomed, glasses reflecting the harsh light. He coughed lightly before smiling, though it seemed strained. "We're running out of time, Sherry. You're not dawdling on your mother's research, are you?"

Taken aback, Sherry instinctively responded. "No, of course not, father!" After a moment, her eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Wait, father? But you' are you–?"

"Do complete my research, sweetheart." A tender hand landed on Sherry's shoulder, causing her to spin around. It was her mother.

"Mother?! You're alive!" Sherry couldn't help but exclaim, a rush of complex emotions bubbling up within her. In reflex, she reached out, arms pulling her mother into an embrace. "But why...why do you sound like him?"

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