Chapter 13: Prototype

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Lambda was once an officer of the Velgalta Empire, a steadfast warrior who found her purpose amid the cries and clatter of the battlefield. There was an inherent camaraderie that came with standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her comrades, their lives woven together by the thread of a shared cause. Yet, the demonic possession she discovered within her marked the end of that era.

She could have succumbed, allowed the dread to wash over her. Instead, Lambda chose to meet her fate on the battlefield. One last stand, she decided, one final testament to her spirit. Her comrades refused to let her face this battle alone, joining her despite the dangers, no matter how much she tried to dissuade them. Lambda's pride in them was immeasurable, her promise to bring them back alive resolute.

However, fate had other plans. Lambda was the only one to survive that brutal fight. Her damaged right eye would have been a lingering testament to her failures. In the shadow of such a tragedy, it seemed only fitting to let the possession take its course...

And yet, this still wasn't fate's plan. Shadow Garden found her and pulled her back from the brink. They saved her and gave her a new purpose – They've given her new sisters in arms. As a member of Shadow Garden, Lambda used her military experience to train their troops, ensuring that they were equipped to face any adversity. She devoted herself to this cause, driven by the determination to prevent a repeat of her past tragedy.

And then today happened. For the first time since that fateful day, her damaged eye stirred, a sign of life that left her startled. Was it a sign from fate, urging her to move forward? Or perhaps, a foreboding omen? To conceal the uncanny change, Lambda decided to craft an eyepatch from her slime suit, the slime cool against her skin as she made her way to meet with Alpha. The meeting had been called during lunch—an unusual circumstance, though not entirely unprecedented.

As she approached an ornate bookcase, Lambda's hand gravitated toward a book named 'V for Ven-Beta.' Designed by Shadow Wisdom, pulling the book initiated a secret mechanism, and the bookcase smoothly swung aside to reveal a concealed chamber.

Lambda was greeted by a scene both anticipated and concerning: Alpha, Epsilon, and 567 engrossed in a meeting. Something unexpected must've transpired.

The room, a harmonious blend of cutting-edge design and timeless elegance, was bathed in a celestial glow from the meticulous array of stained-glass windows. Sunlight, sifting through the vibrant panels, cast a kaleidoscopic dance of colors across the interior.

At the heart of the room, a grand wooden conference table stretched across the length, its polished surface gleaming under the ethereal light. The table sat atop a muted teal rug with a subtle decorative pattern, creating an island of deliberation amidst the sea of red carpet that blanketed the rest of the room. The table, like an unfaltering sentinel, bore the invisible imprints of the profound discussions and clandestine meetings it had hosted over the years.

Standing at the entrance waiting for her presence to be acknowledged, Lambda was outlined by the vivid mosaic of sunlight, her rigid posture echoing her ingrained military discipline. Her solitary eye, sharp and discerning, subtly observed the room's occupants. Across the table, near a window that offered a panoramic view of Alexandria's skyline, stood the young elven leader of Shadow Garden, Alpha. The afternoon light played in her platinum blonde hair, setting it aglow.

Alpha's gaze was directed out of the window, seemingly lost in the world outside, as she asked Epsilon, "What's with her nose?"

Caught off guard, Epsilon briefly faltered, "I... I might have accidentally created a magical pocket in her nose during the cure," she confessed.

A contemplative hum from Alpha echoed in the room, "Oh? Is that how it is?" Her query hung in the air like a delicate wisp of smoke.

Epsilon nodded, quickly adding, "She's human, ma'am. You know how tricky they can be." Lambda noted the respectful honorific Epsilon reserved for Alpha during times of stress.

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