Part 10

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"Just because I slept with you.....You think you are someone of great importance...You are just here because it's convenient for me. Don't be delusional and think you could be something more to me..."

Vegas has spoken those words with a mocking smile.  Pete sat there frozen on the bed after sex his eyes staring at Vegas who nonchalantly smoked a cigarette while sitting on the sofa. 

Pete has felt extremely vulnerable and small. He has only asked Vegas if the rumors about him and Porsche are true. Then he was slapped in the face with reality. The next thing he got to know was that Porsche and Vegas ran away together the very next day and he was on the team to find them.  




Pete woke up sweating and the words from his past kept ringing in his ears. He looked to his side. Vegas was sleeping next to him like always.  He tried getting up but failed miserably. His whole body hurts. Pete couldn't understand where in hell Vegas had all this stamina even after the way he lived. A normal human would have died if he had consumed like Vegas. From his regular drinking to smoking and then there was eating red meat every day. Even after that, not even a minor heart attack came his way. Evil people do live long. Pete tried again in a foul mood to get up from the bed. Which resulted in a painful moan escaping his mouth.  Neither less he got up from the bed. He has been steadily gaining his energy back after that muscle-weakening drug has been removed from his diet.  He was even secretly exercising to increase his stamina. All this while acting docile so as not to make Vegas alert. Vegas has even stopped putting the chain around his ankle but he is still not allowed to close or lock doors and he is always accompanied by a bodyguard who remains 2 feet apart. He looked at the clock and hurriedly tried to find any clothes possible. Phayu has to go on a day out with his friends at school. Pete needed to prepare everything soon. Even if he has made a plan to escape and they were still living in a hostage situation he didn't wanna make his child feel as such.  His own clothes were torn apart last night. Vegas' shirt was still lying on the floor and without thinking much Pete wore it with short pants underneath. 

The sound of sizzle and vegetable chopping filled the room.  His hands moved quickly in a steady motion.  The chef and maids stood in a corner with a pleading look almost begging him to let them work so he could instruct. Nop stood there with his stoic face. Pete demanded everyone to get back to their work while a maid was to fetch things for him. 

Phayu came in running barefoot with a soft teddy bear under his arms.  Macau has walked behind Phayu. He has just gotten back to the villa when he stumbled upon an over-enthusiastic Phayu at the entrance. The child was still wearing his pajamas while he dragged a cart full of toys across the hall. Macau has stepped over a few of them on his way. 

"Dada....Dada...I am ready....."

Pete's laugh filled the room as he picked up his over-excited son who has arrived barefoot in his night suit with all his toys staked over in a small trolley.

"No, you are not.....Come and eat breakfast first."

With a sweet smile on his lips, he has taken Phayu to the dining counter near the kitchen. Macau has followed the trail. Exactly on time, his stomach growled. Pete and Phayu turned their head to see the source. 

A few minutes later Macau sat awkwardly opposite Phayu.  Macau was not even sure why he agreed to sit here.  It was just that Pete's smile was so welcoming that his body moved on its own.  Macau was still a bit disoriented under the watchful eyes of Phayu. 

Like a little chatterbox, Phayu continued. He was not scared of Macau anymore after having casual banters with him around the house on various occasions. He asked Macau various questions almost making the other party feel frustrated.  Pete came to Macau's rescue. Putting forward hot rice and curry on the side.  Macau looked back in shock. 

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