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Phayu was awake from the commotion.
Looking at the bit cranky woken up the child Pete suppressed his painful cries and told him they were just playing.
"It's all okay."
Macau smiled at Phayu while pressing the gun barrel on Pete's stomach where Phayu can't see it
Pete and Macau looked at each other. Pete was now sweating and he held  Phayu a bit more tightly.
Macau smiled at him
"Let's go are still have been sleeping for a whole day...I know you are not thinking straight... Hand over the child for me to hold."
"Why are you doing this to me?....please let us leave...I swear I will go somewhere so far away that nobody could find me..."
Macau's eyebrows furrowed.
This didn't sit well with him. Vegas has gone out with 80% of bodyguards from the villa. There is so much he could do right now.
He pressed the gun tip bit harder on Pete's stomach making him flinch in pain.
"You are omega of Minor family belong live and die here..."
Bodyguards following behind quickly reached Macau.
Macau instructed them with his eyes.
"Give me Phayu...We don't want him to suffer do we."

Macau pressed Pete's wound on his back with full force making him loosen his grip around Phayu.
A few bodyguards held Pete and injected him with a syringe.
"What are you doing?"
Before Pete could object, his child was taken away from his arms as his foot was kicked and he fell on the ground. He fought for a few seconds and his body was paralyzed.
"What are you doing??? Who told you to hit him?"

Phayu was handed over to a maid and she walked away very quickly before Pete could process what has happened.
Macau slapped the bodyguard who hit Pete and walked to Pete himself.
"I will take you to your room...I will make sure to strengthen the security.....This negligence happened because a lot of people went out to fight today... As the hostess of this clan, you need to dress up and welcome them home. If you do that I will not mention about you trying to escape."
Macau explained this to Pete who was still lying on the floor and just breathing. His eyes were still filled with longing and anger.
A bodyguard came forward to escort Pete back.
"How dare you touch him?"
Macau walked forward and picked up Pete's light body very easily.
Pete was lying on the bed while his eyes looked at Macau who gently cleaned his face with a wet towel.
"Be good now.....The effect of paralysis would disappear in two to three hours... I have specially hired some new omega servants they will tend to your needs.." 

Tears slid down Pete's eyes as tried his best to move his body. He couldn't even form sentences.

"Ssh...Don't cry..."

"..........." Pete felt despair. He felt maybe he was too hasty that's why this happened.

"Your new wardrobe is ready..."

"......" Pete couldn't understand what was going on inside Macau's mind.

"Since I believe you don't possess any particular taste in clothes. I have chosen a few for you... "

Pete just couldn't fathom what was going around anymore. This all felt like a bad dream. Why would Macau choose clothes for him? Why would he treat him so gently? Everyone knows how much Macau hates him. Why won't he just let him go or better or worse kill him? This all seems like a very big conspiracy to Pete.

Macau used a soaked towel to clean Pete's hand. Pete obviously couldn't feel his body due to the drug but he could see Macau's action. Macau's eyes seem to have no malice. This scared Pete more. The idea of the unknown was more scary than being beaten and tortured.

Pete doesn't know how much time has passed but then an omega entered his room helping him while taking a bath and rubbing his body with oil and giving him a massage.

"I can wear clothes on my own.."

Pete tried to look through the cupboard and didn't find his simple clothes but rather some flashy attire.

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