Chapter 14 *edited*

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The next morning I woke up in my bed by myself, no nightmare this time which was really nice. I rolled over to find yet another comfortable position until I felt something furry touch my hand. I quickly snapped my eyes opened to reveal a black cat staring right at me.

"Since when did we have a cat?" I asked myself, watching it nudge its nose under my palm to pet it. After a few minutes of petting the cat, it laid besides me and closed its eyes and before I knew it, I fell back asleep with the animal.

"That is so cute." I heard a voice whisper along with shuffling. I felt the cat move from under my arm and hiss. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ghost trying to pet the cat but the cat won't allow it to happen. I rolled onto my back and stretched, letting Ghost be aware that I was awake.

"Good morning." He greeted with a smile. I sat up and yawned, looking at the clock behind me.

'12:38 pm' the clock read. Man, I slept in late. I turned back to Ghost who was already dressed and ready for the day in his t-shirt and jeans.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him. The cat rubbing itself against my back while purring. Ghost tried to pet the cat again, but only to get scratched at.

"I slept pretty good actually." He said with a small laugh, rubbing his hand through his hair. He looked up at me. "Why were you guys near the bar last night?" He asked. I sat with my legs crossed under the blanket, letting the cat curl up in the middle.

"Totally not to go get drinks!" I said jokingly. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I just had a bad feeling that something was gonna happen, so I rushed Toast out of the house with me and turns out I was right." I said seriously.

"Well thank you for saving me." He said, leaning closer to me. I knew exactly what he was doing.

"No problem, princess." I chuckled, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips. He smiled, leaning in more for a rougher feel. I pulled away with a smile and looked at him in the eyes. Every time we kissed I'd be left feeling ecstatic. It always made me so happy.

"Want to come with me to get some coffee and grocery shop? Toast went to go do a solo mission so it's just us." He informed me. I yawned again and nodded.

"Sure. Let me shower first. I feel gross." I said, getting out of the bed. The cat stood up and stood by my feet.

"Where did you get the cat from?" I asked Ghost. He stood up and shrugged, walking over to my side where I stood.

"No idea. We all just woke up and the cat was here and for some reason it won't leave your side. Also I believe it's a boy." He said, picking up the cat and nodding.

"Yeah." He said and placed the cat back down on to the carpet. I nodded, staring at the black cat that had one blue eye and the other orange, both had a hint of green.

"Alright. Well, I'm going to clean myself. I won't be long." I laughed and walked out of the room and into the bathroom. As I turned to lock the door, I noticed that the cat was sitting on the toilet lid, staring intensely at me.

I stared back awkwardly until
I lifted him up and threw him outside into the hall. I closed and locked the door once more, only to turn and see him sitting in the same spot on the toilet.

"Ghost?" I yelled, a little scared for the fact that the cat teleported. I heard his work boots stomping on the hard wood floor outside of the bathroom. I opened the door and handed him the cat without a word, and shut the door. I turned around to check the toilet to see if he was there; he wasn't, but he was standing by my feet.

"What the hell." I heard Ghost mumble. I opened the door back up and stared at Ghost with a shocked look.

"You noticed it too, right?" I asked him. His hands were sitting in the position where I made him hold the cat, except they were empty. He nodded, holding the same expression as me.

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