Chapter 2 ~ Heather Report (Part 1)

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Hey my li'l embers! Sorry this update took so long. Life has been keeping me pretty busy. Anywho! Enjoy the chapter!


"Yeah! Come on, love!" Hiccup encouraged as he adjusted Kala's tailfin to help her gain speed. "Here we go! Come on, Kala! Yeah!"

Kala smirked at his encouragement, flying at her top speed as she and her intended flew around the island for the training session they were doing with the other riders.

"Here they come!" Astrid shouted, albeit reluctantly, to the others when she spotted the couple as they waited in the Academy with their dragons.

"Let's go!" Hiccup encouraged and Kala looped around the Academy before speeding through the entrance with a smooth landing.

The both of them looked toward Fishlegs, who had been keeping track of time for each duo (or in the twins' case trio/quartet), with hopeful looks on their faces.

"So? How'd we do?" Hiccup asked as he dismounted Kala's back, subconsciously rubbing her head as he stood by her side which made her purr and lean into his touch as she calmed down from the flight.

Kala then transformed and intertwined her hand with Hiccup's as she looked towards Fishlegs again to see what he would say.

Fishlegs looked at the parchment he was recording the times on as he responded. "Technically you're still the fastest, but someone, and I won't mention who, is gaining significant ground."

"What?" The couple said in unison, looking at the others there confused.

"Don't look at us!" Tuffnut said with raised arms and Ruffnut nodded in agreement.

"How can that be? How can Kala be getting slower?" Hiccup asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

"If anything, I feel like I've gotten faster." Kala added just as confused.

"You're not getting slower Kala. Stormfly's getting faster." Fishlegs explained to the confused couple.

Astrid smirked with crossed arms as she shifted all her weight to one leg, looking very smug as Fishlegs said that. Hiccup and Kala glared at her slightly, Hiccup more so than Kala.

"Oh, really? Is that so? Anything you'd like to share, Astrid?" Hiccup asked, his glare sharpening.

"Let's just say I'm experimenting with what she eats. Apparently, it's working. And, making you mad." Astrid said with a slight laugh.

Hiccup growled slightly under his breath, but it went unnoticed. Well. Unnoticed by the Vikings that is. Kala heard it and looked at Hiccup confused and concerned without moving her head.

'Did Hiccup just growl like I do when I'm upset? How is that even possible?' She thought, getting worried for her intended, but she shook her head slightly to clear it. 'No, I'm probably just imagining it. There's no way that Hiccup would even be able to do something like that. A human body isn't built that way. Yeah. I just imagined it, that's all.'

Their attention was broken as they heard Snotlout cheering in glee as he and Hookfang looped around the Academy and came in to land like Hiccup and Kala had moments earlier.

"Whoo! Ha-ha! Whoo! You will not believe what I just found!" He exclaimed in glee.

"A severed head?" Tuffnut asked excitedly.

"Our cousin, Lars?" Ruffnut asked curiously.

"Our cousin Lars' severed head?" Tuffnut asked, now having a mischievous smirk.

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