Chapter 3 ~ Heather Report (Part 2)

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Heather sprinted through the forest on Berk as she ran from Astrid. She panted heavily as she pushed through the foliage, looking behind her every now and then to see where Astrid and Stormfly were.

Before she knew it, she ended up finding the cove and quickly rushed down when she spotted Hiccup and Kala relaxing in the shade. Kala was in her dragon form with her head resting in Hiccup's lap as he gently rubbed her head as he leaned against her with his head bent back slightly with his eyes closed.

Kala's head shot up as she heard Heather rushing down into the cove, which got Hiccup to open his eyes and look that way as well.

"Heather?" He asked, confused.

"Hide me!" She said as she dashed over to them and hid under Kala's wing, scooting as close as she could to Kala's body.

Kala instinctively covered her with her wing and wrapped her tail around her and Hiccup, her instincts screaming at her to protect her nest from harm.

Not a minute later, Stormfly landed in the cove and a rather upset Astrid dismounted and made her way over to the young couple, not realizing that there was a certain black haired green eyed girl hidden in plain sight.

"What is it Astrid?" Hiccup asked as he crossed his arms with a bored look as he and Kala looked up at Astrid.

"I know you two have seen that lying thief. Now where is she?!" Astrid asked with her hands on her hips as she leaned down.

Kala growled at her with a warning, her tail pulling Hiccup closer to her body. The growl was ignored by the upset Hofferson though.

"We don't know who you're talking about Astrid. And I'd suggest backing up before Kala blasts you from getting too close to us." Hiccup said as he rubbed the side of Kala's head with one hand, the other resting atop her tail, his thumb rubbing the scar where her left tailfin once was.

Astrid huffed and took a couple steps back, her arms crossed.

"Heather! She escaped from her cell. Again!"

Kala felt Heather curl up and scoot closer to her for comfort, but she didn't move to comfort her to keep Astrid from figuring it out.

Hiccup glared at Astrid and crossed his arms. "She's not even supposed to be locked up Hofferson. That's why she keeps escaping. Hel, Stoick himself said she was pardoned. You just keep putting her back in there because you're a jealous bitch that won't let go of a grudge."

Astrid rolled her eyes with a scoff. "As if! She deserves to be locked up! She stole from us and manipulated you! She's the reason we lost the Book of Dragons!"

"She didn't manipulate us! She was trying to protect us from Alvin and trying to save her parents! Yes, she took Stormfly and the book. But she did it to save who she cares about! She had no other choice!" Hiccup shot back, getting pissed off now.

Kala began to growl at Astrid again to emphasize Hiccup's point, her glare sharp as her instincts were screaming threat.

Astrid groaned in frustration and mounted Stormfly's back again. "Fine! Be that way! I'll find her myself!!"

And with that, Stormfly took off and disappeared from sight as Astrid went back to searching for Heather.

Kala huffed out steam as she unraveled her tail and folded in her wing once Astrid was gone. She and Hiccup looked at Heather with concerned looks as said girl uncurled herself and looked up at them.

"Are you okay Heather?" Hiccup asked as Kala nudged her with a whine.

She smiled slightly and nodded a bit as she rubbed Kala's head in appreciation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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