Deal With It [Ghost x FemReader]

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reuploadimg is wild tbh i forgot what i wrote here previously 💀🤚

10k+ words, no y/n mentioning, reader is a medical worker

The least favorite thing about your job was definitely doing the weekly reports about everything that was received, used, thrown away, the number of visitors, the treatment every visitor got, and the littlest details, but you couldn't complain, you picked this life. There wasn't supposed to be anything fun at the MTFs.

The door to your office suddenly flung open, hitting the wall behind it, the action is probably going to leave a mark.

"We need your help, it's urgent!" your assistant was nervously trotting on the spot in the doorway, that was separating your office from the hallway. You saw a couple of military men dragging their comrade behind your assistant's back into the infirmary.

You were the head physician at the military base, seeing wounded soldiers wasn't new to you, you were always the best at what you do, that's why you got a raise. After two long and difficult years of being the previous doctor's right hand, you were finally in control of the whole infirmary, alongside a couple of other nurses and your assistant, providing the best service to those in need, so they could go on with the missions afterward and come back again, it was always like this. You were always wondering how aren't they tired yet of this, being constantly hurt and still going back to what they do. But they knew why they were doing it, for the world to be healed they had to get hurt sometimes. Some even sacrifice their lives for the sake of peaceful life.

You rushed to the ward, leaving all the paperwork behind, completely forgetting what you were even writing about. The nurse was already near the unconscious soldier on the hospital bed, trying to put in an IV, her hands obviously shaking at the sight of a man completely covered in blood. You knew who it was, he's a frequent guest. Always trying to give his life for his comrades.

"Move," you commanded, taking the catheter from her hands, "we have to put him on a diltiazem to regulate his heart". She's new, so you decided it's the best time to teach a lesson about drips and how to handle a catheter in a situation like this. She used to work at a children hospital, a drastically different side of the same field.

"Get bandages in the cabinet."

You disinfected the skin where you'll be inserting the needle and press the IV needle into his vein. Nurses sight not leaving your actions for a second. "Once you see a little bit of blood enter the catheter, you know that you've hit a vein. Pull the needle a centimeter out of the vein and insert the catheter," you explained, successfully putting in the IV. You were nervous just a little bit because you knew he was a good guy, so your main mission is to bring him back to life no matter what it takes you.

It wasn't the first time being a nerve-racking situation, you've spent the nights near the wounded soldiers' beds, making sure they're doing okay. The nurse had a lot to learn from you and you were an idol in her eyes.

Vital signs monitor sensors were quickly clipped on his fingers to control his heart rate and blood pressure. The monitor flashed with colors and made beeping sounds mimicking his heart rate. Once you made sure that the vital signs were within normal limits, his breathing was steady and he didn't need the oxygen mask, you had to inspect the wounds.

"Get me scissors," you put your hand out, expecting them as quickly as possible. Using scissors brought to you by the nurse you cut his shirt in half right in the middle, exposing his torso full of battle scars, each one had a story on its own that he didn't like to talk about.

You swiftly inspected the wounds, which weren't fatal but needed care.

"He fell out of a chopper" the words came unexpectedly from the corner of the room. You didn't even notice Soap standing there.

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