royalty canadian gp shh!! Part 1

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"I'm leaving and their nothing you can do about it" I yell as I walk out the house with my stuff.
"Y/N wait we can talk about this!" Jimmy says walking outside with Cookie. "Please Y/N just listen to your father" Cookie says.

"No! I'm tired of you guys getting into my love life!!" I said. McCool comes on with horse.
"I came as fast as I can! What seems to be the problem here?" He says

"I'm moving and I don't have a place to stay can I stay at your place Mccool?" I said with pleading eyes. "Why of courseY/N as long as it's okay with your parents!" He says. "Of course NOT!!" Jimmy says.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions!" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh. well.. you are old enough.. in that case. Sure! Me and Horse will love to have you staying with us!!" He says putting his hand out. Which I take! "For CANADA WHERE IF OLD ENOUGH CAN LIVE WHERE YOU WANT!!" He said and we sped off.

Skip Time

We enter the house. "Thanks for letting me stay here McCool." I said entering with my stuff.
"It is no problem Y/N!" He says.

"So.. um where do I sleep?" I said turning around. "I-I umm..hmm.." he says looking around. "Their doesn't seem to be extra an room. So you can take mine's" He says.
"Oh. Ok you sure?" I says
"Why of course! What kind of man would I be if I let you not sleep comfortably!!" McCool said.

His phone ring "Hi lolo?.. I'm on my way!" He says He whistles for horse jumps on horse. "I'll be back soon!! For CANADA ____ ____" and leaves.

I turn around. " Okay let's do this!" I said.

Skip time

I finish unpacking (don't ask >w@) I hear the door open and see McCool and Horse walk in. "Heya" I said. "Why hello Y/N! I'm going to change into my night clothes." He says.
"Ok I'll be here with Horse!" I yell as he is already walking to the room.

I turn the other way and face Horse "Now how you been?" I say stretching my arms out to put him.
He seemed shock at first and then ended up putting his head down. So I can pet him. I smile. *sigh*
"Do you think theirs someone out their for me Horse? Who won't make me Cry? Gaslight me? Do Test on me? Tell me lies? Keep me from my friends? Who won't control me? That won't keep me in a fuckin cage like a bird? That will really trust me? And me them?" I say.
(Sorry about that heheheh...)

Horse just gives me a sad look. : (
"Hey it's ok boi." I give him a grin. "Maybe I can find someone who trust me won't put test on me, make me cry and stuff" I say Horse starts to mess with my hair.

(POV ???)

'I walk out of the room and just so happen to hear Y/N conversation with Horse! I'm sure that they will find someone here!!' I thought to myself!

(Back to your POV)

"*laughs* heya boi cool it with the hair." I said "Ahem" I turn around and see Straits. "Heya McCool! Ready to sleep?" I said. "Why yes Y/N and I'm going to take Horse to his room! Come along Horse!" McCool says

Horse gets up walks to his room. After McCool closes the door. McCool turns around and stop "Oh.. um. Aren't you going to sleep Y/N?" He ask. "Yes I'm just waiting for my roommate! So we can head to the room." I said standing up.
"Oh.. umm. Well I was just going to sle-" I took him by his hand and took him to his room.

I say "Nonsense the bed should be big enough for the both of us." Closing the door behind us, walking over laying down on the bed one side. I look up at him patting the other side.
"come on now don't be shy~" I say winking at him. "Y-Y/N it won't be appropriate for us t-! Ahh" He says as I pull him in. " Their~ Now that wasn't so hard~ mhhmm McCool?~" I say looking at him.  "I-umm.. I guess not?" He says. "Well I'm going to sleep. Goodnight McCool~" "Goodnight Y/N" He says

(I'm not the best writer. Sorry if it doesn't make sense. I'm trying my best next ch will be mature. If you don't like that stuff! Then I would suggest to not read this book okay. You have been warned!!! Okay see you in the next one guys!!! Remember it will contain mature content for those that don't like that!! Word count 800)

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