"wait till I break your heart" pt.5

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his fingers frantically typed on the computer with agitation exuding off his face
a vexed heart that was imperceptible now an overt form of gritting teeth
he bites his bottom lip too hard but the blood palatable; cleaning it quickly... leaving no trace
he typed full stop as it soothed his seething fingers
he saves his plot twist and grins happily and nefariously
she lies sentiently on her bed as death hovered her heart wanting to collect her manically
beep... beep... beep the machine cried after every second
he walks in and is saddened by her state when he places his hand
her face so sweetly tangible he drools at the sight of the distracting chest
Doctor nubs his attempts to anything in the bud
vitals check, breathing check and he asks if the aroused fellow knows her without giving him an examined look
he answers dourly and sheepishly
he leaves to sequester his shame
"your intentions are very lucid, my boy." doctor examined the drool on the pillow
He leaves sternly and continues his rounds
fingers moves slightly and violently in the two rooms

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