"wait till I break your heart." pt.4

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it reiterated in his mind lost to sanity
she watched him and wrote notes due to the boy's veracity
in his actions, his words, his mundane gaze that bred an inanimate soul
he ran a field of lies, cheered by the wrong fans and he oblivious-ly scored a goal... an own goal
he celebrated with a fantasized realisation sinking to the bottom of his shattering heart
his beguiling, seductive articulation was a transient work of art
his mind mocked him to a point of a woebegone state
a few hours, she walks in on him staring, drooling blatantly at a wall
she calls out his name and he was appalled
turning slowly to see her, only to see her grin nefariously
from a revolting monster to a winsome girl deterred him instantaneously
she left the room with him hypnotized, mortified and grovelling
therapist walked in hearing him vociferating her name
She grinned and admired the hallucinogens
she rushed to mitigate him

"wait till I break your heart"Where stories live. Discover now