Chapter 4: Slowly.

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Note: Sorry guys been really busy but here it is :) xo

"Eeep!" I screeched. Today we were hanging with the boys. I was so excited i get to spend more time with Harry. At breakfast we all discussed what was on forvthe day and Trinity suggested the beach. I ran upstairs and grabbed my pink bathing suit on it was my favourite pair of cozzys. I grabbed the rest ofy stuff and ran downstairs. "Ok Tanisha and Rachele you go with Harry" Mia said shooing us out the door. "I cant wait till we get to the beach" Harry smirked and winked at me. "Harry!" Rachele squeled as she slipped. I laughed and looked back at her, she was death staring me. "Are you ok?" Harry said helping her up, "Im fine!" Rachele raised her voice for a second. I jumped a bit. "Beat you to the car" Harry said running towards the car, I ran and jumped into the car before he did. "Beat you" I said sticking out my tounge and i giggled. Harry laughed. I looked back at Rachele and she look a bit jealous in her face expression the whole way to the beach because Harry and I were singing together and laughing and talking, i think she might felt a bit left put.

We finally got to the beach and ran to the tree. The tree my parents, my sisters and i had always sat when we came to the beach. I set up a picnic blanket and layed out our towels and other stuff. "Tanisha are you ok?" Harry said watching me while i set the stuff up. I smiled "Yeah im fine just this spot" i paused and broke out into tears. I totally lost it and ran of. "Tanisha! Wait!" Harry screamed "Just let her go!" Rachele said. "Harry looked at her wierd. "No i cant." He chased after me. I sat on the beach watching the waves crash on the sand banks.

"Tanisha!" Harry screamed and sat next to me and hugged me, "Thank goodness your ok, Ive been looking for u forever" he said hugging me tighter. "Babe whats up?" he said looking me into my eyes. I explained everything to him and i could tell he felt bad by the way he looked at me. "Its ok Harry thats life" i said whiping a tear away, "Tanisha im here for you" he smiled and i smiled back. "C'mon we will go for a swim" He said helping me up and taking of his shirt showing his perfect toned abs. I took my sun dress of and popped it down on the log i was sitting on, "Woah" i heard harry say. I giggled "Race you to the water" I ran, "Oh no you dont he said grabbing my waist and stopping me "What are you doing?" He looked at me vicously and picked me up and put me over his shpulder. "HARRY STYLES" i scream "Thats my name dont wear it out he said dropping me in the watter. "Eeeep" i screech "Its cold" i saying jumping onto Harrys back. I heard Niall, Trinity, Louis, Katie, Liam, Shannon, Zayn and Shaylinn all wolf whislting and screaming out things. I looked at Harry who was looking a Rachele. Rachele was standing there Angry looking. "Harry?" "Hm?" he replied. "Whats going on with you and Rachele?" "Nothing shes just my Best friend why?" "well she has been a bit jealous and keeps giving me death stares.", He looks at me and Kisses me passionatly knowing shes looking. I pull away after about 5 minutes and look into his gorgeous emerald green eyes.

After about 2 hours of swimming we got really tired, hungry and thirsty. Me and Harry raced back to the picnic and lunch was ready. We all sat and ate and laughed but Zayn couldnt stop kissing Shaylinn and Niall wouldnt stop staring at Trinity and dont even get me started with Louis and Katie. Me and Shannon were speaking for ages because Liam and Harry just were doing what boys do.

It got really late and it was time we all had to go home. Harry deopped me off but Ravhele had gone home earlier due to Harry kissing me. "Thankypu for the ride Harry" i said smiling "No problem babe" he said kissinge on the cheek. I smiled and jumped out of the car and he drove off. I was so happy. I got inside and Mia and Brittney were sitting on the lounge. Mia was crying. I ran over and hugged her, "Mia whats wrong?" i higged her tight. She couldnt speak. "Thomas cheated on her" Brittney said. Mia sobbed harder. "Mia i told u hes worthless and not worth it" she just nodded. I hugged here one last time and went and had a shower. I got back and checked my phone there was a text feom harry saying 'Goodnight Beautiful xo see you tomorrow - H'

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