Chapter Two

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"How come you get extra tutoring from our s;xy half Japanese teacher? That's not fair. Man if I got my hands on him..." Naomi says I we enter the gate to her house. Well our home. My mother died three years ago when I was twelve. I've lived here with her family since then.

"What would you possibly do?" I look at her trying to keep my sanity in tact.

"Two words my friend. Bond. Age."

"That's one word. When you seperate the term it loses the meaning."

"Shut it f;ggatron." she smiles nudging me. "Wouldn't you like to see that six foot hunk of man tied up submitting to your every command. Wait of course freak out when a fly lands on you."

"I do not!" I look around paranoid making sure there isn't a fly. But I'd like to be the one tied up. I fight the urge to think about it."Anyways maybe you don't need to have tutoring because you do have a big brother who is a literary teacher."

"But he's never here. You know that," she sighs. "I mean have you even seen him once?"

"No. Not that I can remember actually."

"He came in late and left extremely early if he came home at all. It feels like he's been in Italy studying since you moved in basically but he's only been gone eight months."

"Well he should be home today, right?"

She giggles excited. "Yes! He's rather strange, nevertheless I'm going to introduce you."

We walk inside and take our shoes off in the doorway. (Naomi's parents ard clean freaks.)

"Mum! Daddy! Is he here yet?!"

"Is that my little sister I hear?" A male's voice responds.

"Sethybooo!!" Naomi shrieks dropping all of her things running around the corner to the kitchen."I missed you ever so much you wanker."

I peek around the corner stepping into the kitchen suddenly nervous for some reason. Who is this mysterious older brother of hers?

"It hasnt been that long poppet," he chuckles. They are hugging when I see them. Naomi pulls away and giggles looking at me.

"F;ggatron this is my brother Seth. Seth this is f;ggatron."

"That's not my name," I whine looking at her then him. Oh my jesus (hey-zuz) his fudging eyes are hypnotizing as fudge. I cough and lean against the wall, well try to but end up missing it and fall sideways.

"Smooth." Naomi smirks.

Seth comes over and reaches a hand out. "Here let me help you," he smiles and oh my fudge I space out like an idiot. He chuckles and grabs my hand helping me up. "It's nice to meet you Trevor. I'm sorry I never made an appearence before I left."

"It...okay is." I squeak. Gawd Im an idiot. He just laughs lightly and turns his attention back to Naomi. I let my eyes move to the top of his head where his ruffled blonde hair sticks out it random directions. Down his back where his button up plaid shirt is tight stretching over his defined yet lean muscl- Staph you have a fudging master. But it doesn't hurt to look. Oh? It will when Togato gets a hold of you. He'll remind you who you belong to. Mmhmm and I'll enjoy every minute of it. I snap out of my thoughts and try to focus on what's going on.

"Are you staying this time big brother??? Please please tell me you are staying!"

"Actually I recently found a job here as a classroom aid. So I'm afraid you'll be seeing alot more of me."

"Pft shut it you stinker," Naomi punches his arm.

"Still trying to bully I see."

"You have no idea," I mumble and look down at my feet when Naomi gives me a threatening glance. Out of love, I know.

"But where will you sleep? Dad kind of turned your room into a library when you stopped using it."

"The couch is fine," Seth smiles.

"No! You can sleep in my room," I blurt out. What the actual fudge did you just say Trevor? Master would be so displeased. it's not like that. I'm just being nice. Everyone argues with themselves. I'm not crazy I promise.

"I don't want to intrude."

"It's no problem. There's the couch in there with the pull out bed. One of can use it. It's really.. comfy," I respond.

"Well thank you, Trevor." He looks me right in the eyes and smirks. I gulp involuntarily. Did he just...?

"Trevor you're such a sweet cutiepatootie," Naomi smiles. "Isn't he cute, Seth?"


I look at both of them wide eyed until Naomi finally breaks the silence.

"I didn't want my Sethyboo sleeping on the couch especially when he'll be starting his new job. Which by the way, what school will you be at?"

"That little poppy is a surprise," Seth replies.

[{ DUN DUN DUN *Ominous music plays*

Please let me know what you think so far my smexipandicorns. I would love feedback. >~<

So Trevor being "nice" to Seth.
Hmm wonder how his master is going to feel about that one?? >.>
Wonder what's going to happen next?
We shall see. Mwahahaha.

Also do you think that I should write a chapter in Togato's pov? Just to let you know what he's doing while Trevor and Naomi are home? Lemme knoowww.

Until the next chapter lovees. Very sorry to keep you waiting,, next chapter should come within a week or two.}]

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