Volume 1. Calculations

655 22 0

I will survive.

I've done it before. Living off of nothing, it should really be a piece of cake. Nothing here will really hurt me.

I punched a Grimm's mask wide open as the entity disappeared, into a black smoke.

My knuckles stung with each movement. The weight of my fist weren't as weighted as lifting dumbbells, but I still felt that light pressure of weight.

My breathing, an irregular pattern which ticked and gasped for air every second. Acting like a clock.

3578 breaths per second. 59.633 minutes, almost an hour that I've been stuck in the forest. And nothing has been found.

My landing was successful no major injuries or anything noteworthy is done to my body.

Inside the middle of the woods, I really just wondered the scenery. When was the last time I really saw something so majestic. The bustling nature and Grimm that destroyed the nature of the forest.

A howl from behind the bushes caught my attention.

"Well... looks like there still more." I readied my knuckles.


Damn. I'm so exhausted!

I laid beside a tree, as I squinted at the sun. Man, I lost track of the time. It's not like my eye could help with that anyways.

Dropping my brass knuckles into the rough uneven ground, I hypothesized a possible outcome.

I've been ambushed by the Grimm that come by the cliffs, approximately 7 boarbatusks ran away from that direction.

I bit harder on my pointer finger.

Is there people there? If so who?

No, no... forget about 'If's'. I need the guarantees, fuck, even high probability chances I'll take.

I just need something, anything!

A loud 'thud!' drops behind me. Looking at the cause of the noise. It was a person, a familiar one at that. Actually there where two. A duo, Ruby Rose and—"Schnee."

"I—ugh! It's you again!" Weiss waddled herself to me.

"Oh no." Ruby's intrusive thoughts spoke, before dashing in between Schnee and I's paths. "G-girls."

Weiss halted her position, "so, you're still here? Huh, though that you'd really run away. Ignoring your responsibilities of Ayster."

"Shut up. Ruby you two partners?"

She subtly nodded. "Great. And here I'd find any sort of partner."

"Wait?—your finding a partner? You?" Weiss questioned my decision.

"Uh, yes. Even I'd be committed to something." I said. "I have my own reasons, thank you very much. Well, ah, you two find the thingys that Uncle asked to find."

"Kyuushou!" Ruby grabs my wrist as I was just walking away.

"I—uh, yes?"

"Stay with us!" Ruby asked.

"Hah?!" Both Weiss and I gasped in shock.

"Listen, I know you don't have a partner, which is probably a bad thing... but hey! On the positive—you'll be less lonely!" She jazz handed that barely incoherent message.

"Ruby, she... doesn't—"

"Fine." I gave in.

"What?!" Weiss looked surprised.

"Yes!" Ruby raises her hands into the air. "Jackpot! Oh, thank you! And I'm glad that your aboard!"

"So, Ruby any clue on were the artifacts are?"

"Nope. Not a clue."


"Unfortunately nether do I."

Sighing a deep one, "here I though I'd find clues."

"Clues?" Ruby zips to Weiss and whispers into her ear, "what does, uh, she mean?"

"Rather than pure chance, this O'rs seems to only believe in numbers than probability."


Weiss thought for a second, "because... because... I don't really know. She's really changed from how I use to know her."

"Schnee." I caught Weiss' attention.


"What did you see before Ruby and you met?"

"Nothing but trees."

"Any Grimm? Where did you land?"

"Uh, yes. And there was a small river."

"Which way did it flow?"

"Excuse me?"

"Where it the stream flow?"

"Um..." Weiss thought about it, before she pointed to the direction of the cliffless forest.

"Alright, let's head there." I basically commanded.

"Hehe, roger!" Ruby soluted following me.


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