Running Portal.exe

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Clank! Yet another can of monster energy, thrown into the wastebasket.

Donatello rubbed the sides of his temples, he was so close... So close to figuring out the science behind Leo's portals. He sure as hell wasn't going to let this headache stop him.

He had been working for 2 days straight, pulling all-nighters just to get this project finished. He was hyperfixated, and nothing was going to stop him.

Suddenly, the labroom doors opened with a Shhh of course Donnie's headphones was blasting mixes of hyper pop and speedcore that he couldn't hear anything around him.

"Heyyy Don-trooonnn!" A certain blue-masked turtle sing-sang from the room's entrance, strolling in, unbothered.

The red-eared slider stopped a moment, and frowned at the fact that he hadn't been heard. His face soon however, warped into a smile.

He creeped over to his brother's work desk, hunched over. Slooowly... he reached both arms out, until he was within arms reach of the soft-shell.

He then yanked the purple masked turtle back causing him to shriek in surprise, his eyes wide as saucers.

"GOTCHA!!! HAHAHA!!!!" He laughed as Donnie tried desperately to slow down his breathing and racing heart.

"WHAT THE HELL LEO?!?!!" Donatello shouted, punching his older brother in the arm harshly.

"Ow!! Hey! I didn't grab you that hard!" Leonardo yelped, gripping his arm in pain.

"Scoff! You're older than me, yet you still act like such a child! Sometimes I question if I am truly the older twi-..." "Brother." He corrected himself.

He turned back around in his swivel-chair, forcing his sore fingers to type once more.

Leo rolled his eyes, leaning over to see what his brother was so caught up on. Placing a hand on the soft-shells shoulder, to a slightly displeased turtle.

"God your eyes are blood-shot... and here I thought I was the one with insomnia." He muttered just loud enough for Donnie to hear.

"Whatever. At least I'm not goofing off." Donatello grumbled in response.

"Whatcha workin on anyway? I've been waiting to have my Odachi back y'know." He asked casually.

The turtle smoothed a hand over his forehead, dragging down on his eyelids and growing eye bags.

"I already told you... I'm trying to figure out how your portals work, and how to recreate them without the use of your sword."

Leo looked to his left, eyeing a large structure. Well, enough for Raphael to fit with a little wiggle-room. It was shaped as a half circle, with countless wires and cables sticking out and connected to the metal frame. The most notable part however, was that it was hooked up to a station which held his Odachi sword.

"Oh hey! My sword!" He strolled over to grab it.

"Leo! No don't-!" The soft-shell's words were cut off by a growing whirring noise coming from the structure.

Running Portal.exe...

"No no no no no no!" He tapped esc on his keyboard several times, to no avail.

"Uhh Don what's going on?" Leo asked, his hands beginning to grow clammy and voice slightly growing tighter at his brothers sudden nervousness.

"No no! Don't run! No yet! System override! AlphaB00tyyyshakerr9000!"

Warning: File has been altered.

The soft-shell's fingernails began to claw slightly at his shoulders. "Oh god... Shit!! Shut off! SHUT OFF!!!"

ERROR: FILE HAS BEEN ALTERED... Rottmnt X 2012!Tmnt Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now