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(2012 Universe:)

Leo and Donatello have been in this strange world for about four days now.

The lair was much smaller than what they were used to. Everything seemed so much more dull to Leonardo, he wasn't sure if it was just that this world's Mikey didn't have the artistic touch his did... or if everything just was more lifeless in general.

One thing he was certain of, he did not like this universe's Raphael.

How a turtle just slightly taller than other Mikey could fit so much anger into his body was beyond the slider.

Every time Leo would so much as come into the same room as the red-masked turtle, he would immediately grow irritable and quiet.

Leonardo inhaled and began his journey forward to the dojo, he was sick of this unresolved tension and he wanted to know why it was happening.

He slid open the doors to a much unbothered Raph, clearly the shorter turtle hadn't heard him. He was currently training with dad- Splinter trying desperately to land a hit on the giant rat.

"UGH! Why! Wont! You... Just... Fight back?! He shouted between grunts as blow after blow remained to disconnect.

Suddenly Splinter kicked his son's plastron hard sending the turtle back with a yelp. But before he could recover, the rat pushed him down to the ground with a hard thud.

"Yamei!" Master Splinter shouted, his voice echoing throughout the dojo.

He released his hold on the turtle, allowing him to get back to his feet with a pained grunt.

"You rely too heavily on your wrath and anger Raphael. You must focus and not let your opponent use that against you."

Splinter then glanced at the entrance looking right at Leonardo causing the red-eared slider to flinch.

"A-ah! Sorry! Uhm... I didn't mean to be interrupting anything-"

"It's quite alright my son, please come in." Splinter invited, to a much displeased Raphael.

He slowly strolled into the room, treading lightly and carefully. It was so quiet... the lair was never this quiet.

He looked over to see Raph giving him a cold stare, and gulped.

"Hey... uhm... other Raph-" he started not sure how to start the conversation.

"What do you want?" He replied flatly.

"Did I do something to... like... piss you off or something? I just feel like there's something going on-" He was silenced with a kick to the plastron, knocking the air right out of him.

"Raphael!" Splinter scolded.

"What the heck man?" Leo was taken aback trying to catch his breath.

"You come up in here, strollin' around like you own the place, yeah I'm pissed off! My brothers are gone because of you!" He pointed an accusatory finger at the blue-masked turtle.

"Raphael! I will not warn you again!"

"I didn't know what the portal thingy was going to do! You think I want to be here? I'm not looking for a fight, I just want to talk things out. I miss my brothers too." He raised both hand up, pleading not to fight.

"Well maybe you shoulda' thought of that before you went and messed with crap you shouldn't have been messing with!"

He lunged at the slider, landing square on his plastron. Leonardo looked upon his alternate brother in pure fear as he went to shield his face from the incoming blows that never came.

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