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(Meanwhile... In the Rise universe):

"Donnie? Are you seeing this?" Leo breathed, he was surrounded by what seemed to be a labroom, filled with monitors, gadgets, and machines however, some seemed to be offline or damaged.

Donatello was silent as he gazed at his surroundings, pure confusion clouded his mind.

A pair of light and footsteps sounded from outside the space, and the labroom's doors opened automatically.

It was two... mutant turtles.
"Donnie! Leo! Are you okay-?" "We heard a-" they stopped mid-sentence.

The four stared at each other blinking.

"You're... You're not- W-wait-" the orange masked turtle began. "Why do you look like Leo and Donnie?"

This was insane... Leo must be dreaming, they looked like his brothers, different sure but... they... what? What is even happening?

"Mikey?" Leo breathed, his mind swirling with questions.

"Okay... there's no way this is happening. I'm clearly just dreaming or unconscious somehow- There's no way a different looking Mikey and an incredibly tall Raph is standing in front of me." Donatello muttered, letting out a bitter chuckle.

Mikey stepped forward to Donatello and pinched him.

"Ow! H-Hey!" Donatello exclaimed swatting away the box turtle.

"Well you're not dreaming and neither are we." He said then paused. "Wait... are you like... alternate versions of Leo and Dee?"

The two boys looked at each other and then back at the two alternate turtles.

"T-that... that would mean that the parallel universe theory is correct, but this just... I think I need a minute." Donnie laid his head in his hands, taking deep breaths to calm down.

Mikey then scanned up and down Leo's features, noticing the lack of color and differences in them.

"You're kinda... shaped like an egg... why is your plastron so flat? And your blue mask is darker than Leo's."

Leonardo was slightly offended, but tried to keep calm. Then he looked up at Raphael, he couldn't lie, he was very intimidated. He tried to shift his stance to not appear weak or scared.

"Raphael?" He said, his voice slightly cracking.

The alligator snapping turtle's eyes darted to the blue masked turtle before him.

"T-that is my name yeah? Man, t-this is... this is weird." He stepped back slightly, placing a hand over his eyes and rubbing them for a moment.

"Uhm... other Donnie? Are you okay?" Mikey questioned, concerned for him.

Donatello was now sitting with his head between his knees, his head resting on the back of his hands. "Y-yeah yeah... uhm but also no-"

"This... this is absolutely insane... this proves the parallel universe even the multiverse theories to be correct or at least partially true. The universe, everything... just got a whole lot bigger- this means that there could be hundreds... thousands of versions of us. Perhaps where we haven't existed at all. Holy chalupa... I don't know if I can take this..."  He breathed, clearly not doing very well.

Mikey shifted on his feet nervously. "Sorry for giving you an existential crisis other Donnie!"

Donatello responded with a thumbs up, not saying anything else. Clearly his mind was overloaded at the moment.

Mikey walked back over to Donatello, this time wrapping his arms around the poor turtle. Donnie sat up at this surprised at the sudden embrace.

"O-oh! S-sorry! I sometimes forget you don't like- er- my Donnie is kinda funny about hugs." Mikey quickly backed up, rubbing the back of his head.

"Uhm it's alright- I just- I don't get hugged very often." Donnie, mumbled the last part a bit.

Mikey's eyes widened slightly, and he shot a slightly accusatory glance at Leonardo, who in response gave a confused look back.

"Oh! I should get dad!" He started sprinting towards the doors, only to stop a moment at the entrance.

"Actually... let us show you guys around the lair! We'll give you an amazing tour! Come on Raph!" Mikey beamed grabbing Raph's large hand.

"W-Woah! O-okay Mike! I'm coming!" He stumbled forward a bit, making a beckoning motion with his right hand, to get the other turtles to join him. Leo, trailed behind them, while patting Donatello on the back to have him follow.

The four turtles walked around, while Mikey took the newcomers to their favorite spots.

Leo couldn't help but look onwards in awe at just how colorful and vibrant everything looked. Not just due to the spray-painted walls and bright inviting lights. The entire lair was just more lively and homey.

Then, Mikey stopped at a room ahead, the muffled sounds of a Japanese TV show could be heard.

"Hang on just a sec okay?" Mikey rushed into the room leaving the turtles for just a moment.

The silence felt a bit awkward, although Leonardo wasn't sure of what to say to the large turtle. Was he just as hot-headed as his Raphael? He wasn't in any shape at the moment to get into a fight, nor did he want to in a home that wasn't even his own. Luckily he didn't have to speak first, because Donatello did it for him.

"So uh... other Raph, why are you? Or really how are you so tall?"

Raphael tilted his head in confusion at the question. "Uhm I dunno? I am the oldest, but I've always been the tallest? Is your Raph not the biggest?"

"Oh no, actually he's shorter than Leo, he's like... 5'0."

Raphael snorted a slight chuckle at this. "Oh wow! I'm little!" His voice bouncing slightly with laughter as he held a hand to his mouth to stop.

Donatello couldn't help but chuckle along too, and Leonardo had eased a little bit, clearly this Raphael was much more levelheaded.

"I'm actually the tallest. That leads me to another question... why do you both look so different? Are you both a different species of turtle?" The purple-masked turtle asked.

"Well yeah- when we were mutated, Baron Draxum had grabbed four different kinds of turtles-us...-and used the same human DNA to change us." He pointed to himself. "I'm an Alligator snapping turtle, Mikey is a box turtle, Leo is a red-eared slider, and Donnie is a soft-shell turtle."

"Huh..." Donnie hummed a moment in thought, "Wait... you mean... you weren't mutated with mutagen obtained by the Kraang?"

Raphael quirked an invisible brow. "Kraang? What's that?"

"You don't have Kraang in your universe? Must be nice... they have caused all sorts of trouble for us." Leonardo explained, Donatello nodding along.

Just then some muffled "Come on dad!! It's important!" Sounded from the space in front of them, and soon enough Mikey walked out, a smaller figure trailing behind.

"Orange! It was just getting to the good-... part..." his father paused, the sentence trailing off.

The two newcomers just stared dumbfounded at the tiny rat man. He was easily 3 feet shorter than their Splinter.

"Aaaaand meet pops." Raphael announced, the two brothers stood in place, silent.

"P-Purple? B-blue?" He rubbed his head nervously. "Orange I thought you were joking..."

"Dad I already explained it to you!" Mikey huffed crossing his arms.

Leonardo bowed instinctively, Donatello following right after.

"Hello Master Splinter." They greeted, to a much confused Raphael and Michelangelo.

Splinter was even more confused now. "B-Boys? Well... er... other boys? Oh... I do not like this..." he turned his head back to the box turtle.

"Where is Purple and Blue?"

The room was silent as Leonardo and Donatello's eyes darted away.

Raphael gulped. "We... we don't know dad."

The gravity of the situation seemed to strike everyone then and there.

Just where was this world's Leo and Donatello? And how would the alternate turtles get home?

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