
962 7 12

Soap woke up at 7AM, as always. He felt somebody's arms hugging him close, it was Ghost. He tried to remember what happened last night, and why was he in Simon's room. He then realized that he was staying in his house, and that they had a movie night. About 3hrs of sleep wasn't good for him, but he wanted to get up already.
-Johnny, are you awake?
-I am
-It's 7AM, you fell asleep at like four
-And what?
-Nothing, just saying.
Soap turned his face to look at Simon. He had dark circles by his eyes which could've been seen from a mile away. He smiled at Soap, who did the same, and turned his face again, laying his head on Ghost's arm. It was hard for him to remember that they are NOT a couple, and never will be. But if they weren't then why would they lay like this together? Soap's mind was a total mess and confusion. He straightened his legs and felt something fluffy on them. AK was there, curled in a ball, looking pissed off. Who wouldn't be if someone woke them up. Soap finally closed his eyes and went back to sleep, knowing this will break his entire sleep schedule.

Ghost looked at the watch on Soap's wrist; it was 10AM and the man stayed asleep. He carefully let go off him and went downstairs to prepare him a breakfast in bed. He knew that Soap was going through stuff right now and wanted to make sure he remembers he can always talk to him. Ghost wasn't good with emotions, he never showed his own and struggled to understand others, so he wanted to work on this. For Soap, and only for him. Maybe for Price too, but mostly for Soap. He wanted the guy to know he does not have to hide anything and that bottling emotions does not fix anything. He took some ingredients out of the fridge; he was going to make pancakes. He got his headphones from the table and played his favorite playlist, as he cracked two eggs into the bowl. He loved to cook, even though he wasn't very good in it, or at least that's what he thought. He sometimes made meals for his team when they were out, and everyone said it was good, besides Soap who did not like spicy foods, and that was what Ghost usually made, which is also why he decided to make something sweet today. He rarely made pancakes, and Soap was a special person, so he decided to make them with chocolate, whipped cream and some strawberries. They were supposed to be amazing. He also made some coffee with foam. After he was done, he did the dishes and put all the food on a tray, then carried it to his room.

Soap was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a blanket. He seemed much more rested than at 7, even though his eyes were closing. Ghost knocked on the door and entered, carrying the food. Soap's face brightened, at the same time looking extremely confused when he saw it.
-Morning, Soap
-Morning Gh..-he paused to cough-Ghost, you made pancakes?
-I did
-I didn't know that you could make something that isn't spicy mar ifrinn¹
-English Soap
-Sorry sir, like hell
-You don't know much about me
-Yeah-Soap coughed again and grabbed the plate with pancakes, then started eating them.
-Why did you just do that
-Do what?
-I don't know, just feeling like this
Ghost wanted to know if something's wrong, and it was true, but he did not know how to ask. He hated showing that he cares, even if it came to Soap, and whenever he did he felt really mad at himself. He just couldn't let himself show emotions like that. It always made Price worried, he just wanted Ghost to be happy in life and know nobody's judging him in 141. He stopped thinking when he heard Soap's voice.
-They taste amazing!
-That's good.
They sat in silence for a while, when Soap spoke again.
-Sorry for yesterday
-What do you mean?
-Well, I know you don't really like touch and yet I still asked you to lay on your chest and stuff like that.-Soap's voice sounded basically dead, as he tried to speak between the coughs. Ghost raised his hand and put it on Soap's forehead, causing the other guy to blush through confusion.
-You are hot Soap
-Like, your forehead is extremely hot, you are sick.
-Oh.. Okay
He finished his breakfast and reached down the bed to pet Smoke, who came to check on them and see what's going on. He flinched after Soap scratched him behind the ears. Ghost picked him up and hugged him.
-So, about yesterday..
-Quit it Soap, it's good with me
-But you do not like touch, why did you let me do this?
-You asked. It's kind.
Ghost took the tray and carried it downstairs, while Soap went to his room to change out of the pajama.  He opened his bag and picked out a loose gray shirt, along with shorts. He thought about wearing rainbow socks, but decided not to in the end and got some black ones. He got his perfume out as well and sprayed it, then searched for the rest of his products and went to the bathroom. He decided to take a better look at it. Ghost had many shelves with various products on them. A lot of them were meant for skincare but most were for hair. Soap wondered what does Ghost's hair routine look like, while taking care of his own haircut. He did not take a long time doing so, he just needed to brush it. When he was done with everything and left, Ghost decided to jumpscare him from the behind. He walked up to him and placed his hand on his waist, then picked him up.
-You are short, Soap
-I know, I hoped T will increase height.
-It might
-But don't you dare to grow taller than me.
-I won't
Soap started coughing really hard, struggling to catch breath. Ghost gently hit his back a couple times to help him, and when he was done caught him in a hug. He then picked him up and placed him on his bed, covering him with the blanket.
-Stay here, I will check your temperature.
He then went downstairs, hoping he had a thermometer in the kitchen. He was rarely sick, so he did not use it many times. When he found it, he walked back upstairs and got into Soap's room. The man looked much weaker when Ghost got a better look at him. He checked his temperature, which turned out to be 38°C (100F according to Google). It made him really worried, but he did not show it, as always. His face stayed still, with no emotion on it.
-Soap, you have fever
-I'll be fine.
-I'll call a doctor, because you clearly won't.
-Simon, calm down, I'll be okay. I just need some meds and it'll be fine.
-Price said that you didn't do anything with your temperature and ended up in the hospital once
-It was one time, just give me the meds.
-Fine, but stay at home today. We'll see about tomorrow.
Ghost went downstairs for like the fifth time today, and started searching for some medicine in the kitchen. He found many bandages, painkillers and stuff like that, which he needed when he was on a mission, but did not see anything for temperature. He went back upstairs, with AK in his arms and put her on the bed, informing Soap that he has to leave and get the meds, and that Soap should stay in bed, which did not make him really happy.
-Yes, no discussion
Ghost then went to his room and changed his clothes. He got a black hoodie with small skulls on the sleeves, along with darkwear-styled pants. He then grabbed his bag. He searched through his drawers and found a progress pride flag pin that he got when he went on a pride parade with Gaz a long time ago. Ghost was really supportive, and now that he knew Soap was trans, he wanted to show it. He wanted people to know that even though he looks extremely scary he isn't a bad person. He put the pin on his bag and said goodbye to Soap. He noticed that AK was loafing on his chest, while he tried to get her to move since she made it hard for him to breathe. Ghost laughed and moved the cat, then he left the room. Soap was surprised to see the pride flag on his bag.

Ghost put on his dark mask and started walking towards the pharmacy. He absolutely hated shopping when he couldn't put headphones on and not talk to the assistants; he knew that he was doing it for Soap and it was the thing that kept him going and not leaving the store. The assistant called another person, so he walked up and spoke, scaring the pharmacist.
-I need something for fever
-I... Well, what exactly?
-Something to get rid of temperature and cough
-We have those pills for temperature, they work quickly and usually help with cough too. If they won't, then here are some for cough and only for it.
-Okay, how much?
-50$-the pharmacist couldn't hear Ghost complaining quietly under his mask.
-Okay, and do you want the cough pills too, sir?-Ghost smiled, since it reminded him of Soap calling him so as work.
-Then the total is 75$
-That's a lot
-I know, sir, but we cannot do anything about it
He payed with the card and packed the pills in his bag, then he left the store. He really had enough of interactions for the rest of the day. It was important for him to know Soap will be okay, so some sacrifices needed to be made. He walked back to his house and sneaked in, making sure none of the cats were gone. He went upstairs with the meds and knocked on Soap's door. Getting no response, he walked in. He saw the man asleep, with one of his hands on AK's back and another on his eyes. This view made Ghost smile, even though it wasn't anything good. He pet AK and checked on Soap's temperature, it came down a little bit but was still extremely high. He sat on the bed, knowing that he has to take the best care of Soap when he wakes up. Just like he wanted somebody to care for him.

¹as fuck, translation might not be accurate so pls correct me :]

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