Time together

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Ghost opened his eyes, he could hear that it was still raining, and he was still in Soap's arms. He glanced at the other man's watch;it was 4AM, normally he would've been awake anyway. He had many reasons for being awake but the main one was overthinking. He really thought about everything and would try to find a deeper meaning in every single thing that happened during the day, no matter if it was Price fixing his gun when it got locked or a random lady in a park telling him he had a nice hoodie. He always thought this wasn't real and something was definitely wrong. Ghost looked at Soap, who was asleep. He carefully got out of his arms and left the room.

It was normal for Ghost's house to be dark. He liked the lights off, and his cats did not mind it. The stairs had lights on them anyways, so even though all the lamps were off the man could get down or up anyways. It always gave him a feeling of comfort, a safe space that he needed. He thought about this as he went downstairs, and towards the kitchen, reaching for a cup and putting some brown powder in it. He was making himself a coffee, aware that he won't fall asleep again anyway. The noises of the rain got louder, so he rushed upstairs, into the closet. He went through some drawers and found noise cancelling headphones that he needed right now. Ghost put them on and sighed with relief; it felt much  better like this. He went downstairs again and poured water into the cup, later sat on the counter and started drinking his coffee. Smoke was a cat who did not sleep at night so he joined his owner by sitting on his lap. They both sat there in silence, looking around the house, as Ghost's vision started to get blurry and his attention was all gone.

-Ghost, answer me
-Are you okay Simon?
Ghost felt a hand placed on his arm, what caused him to snap back to reality. Soap was standing in front of him, and his eyes brightened when he saw that Simon looked at him too.
-I thought something was wrong Lt.
-I'm good
-Why are you drinking coffee here at 5AM?
-I couldn't sleep
-Alright. You know it's unhealthy for you, right?
-Yes sir?
-Not to be mean or anything, but how long will the renovation take?
-I have no idea. Will call them today and ask
-You know I don't mind you here right? Just wanted to ask
-It's okay Ghost, no need to explain. Wanna watch something?
-Why not
The two men sat on the huge sofa and turned the TV on. Soap grabbed a random pillow and placed it by him, then laid his head on it. After a few minutes they've decided to watch a show, what caused another discussion about what genre and which one. They really took a long time, until the decision has been made. "The Good Doctor" was it. Ghost didn't like medical shows that much but he did like the sight of blood for some reason. He loved crime shows for it. He always looked forward to injuries when on the battlefield, and he hated NOT feeling pain since it made him feel like he was missing a piece of himself. He hasn't told anybody about this, tho. Price has made some assumptions when Ghost started describing some scar histories to him, but he didn't know it was that deep. Ghost started to focus on the show, and sat with a pillow by his chest. Both him and Soap were in their night clothes, both extremely tired and both enjoying each other's company.

It was about 8AM when they've finished a few episodes. Ghost actually enjoyed the show, and Soap absolutely fell in love with the characters. He took a break to make some breakfast.
-What do you want Ghost?
-I... I don't eat breakfast
-Are you sure?
-I am
-Okay then
Soap started cooking some stuff for himself, feeling guilty even though he hasn't done anything wrong. He just didn't feel right with the fact that he'll eat and Ghost won't. It made him really uncomfortable, but he couldn't force him. 15 minutes later he's joined Ghost on the couch with some eggs and bacon. He also made some tea, which surprised Ghost.
-Shut up
-Do you have any, i don't know, plans for today?
-Not really, I wanted to buy some clothes tho
-So how about a trip to the shopping centre?
-Why not.

They were almost ready to go at 10AM. Ghost has decided to put on a black skull mask that did not cover his eyes,  and did some eyeliner for fun and comfort. He put on a black loose hoodie and some cargo pants. Soap got a grey shirt and cargo pants as well. They got in the car and drove to the city. Since Ghost lived pretty far away, Soap got kinda bored and decided to play some music.
-What do you like Ghost?
-Anything will do
So Soap turned on a Slipknot song, specifically People=Shit. Ghost looked at him surprised, he did not except that.
-What, didn't think I have a good music taste?
-You look like a person that would listen to Ed Sheeran unironically
The two men rode in silence for a while, when Ghost turned the volume up. Soap smiled and they both started singing quietly, only to start screaming the lyrics, making them louder than the song was, but they did not care. They had the best time they've had in a while. A really long while. Ghost looked at Soap and smiled, the other man did the same. He sped up, and dreamed about them spending more time together. Amazing time together.

Together begins with T-Soap x Ghost AUWhere stories live. Discover now