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-Ghost, wake up-somebody's, specifically Soap's voice could've been heard in the room.
-I'm not asleep
-Great, do you know what day is it?
-Pride's today?
-Exactly, get up!-Soap was extremely excited, unlike Ghost, mostly because he got basically dragged off his bed.

The two men went downstairs to eat something. They decided for fried eggs, since it was something they both liked. Ghost made some coffee for them and fed his cats. Smoke ate a bit and then jumped on Soap's legs and laid on them in the loaf position.
-Smoke, I am the one that fed you-Ghost smiled and reached to pet AK, who decided to show up.
-Simon-Soap said, turning on his chair and placing his coffee down-I invited König and Horangi to come with us.
-You said you'll ask Alejandro
-He still needs some time to recover after the mission
-Right-Ghost glanced at Soap's arm. It was still bandaged, but at least his head was alright. Alejandro's injury was worse, he had to get stitches on it. No wonder he wanted some rest for it to heal well.
-König said he'll come for Horangi, but he's still anxious-Soap's voice disturbed Ghost's thinking.
-It's like me for you, Johnny-Simon smiled and took a sip of coffee.
-Didn't you already go on those before?
-Maybe. Let's go prepare everything.

Soap went to 'his' room and began the preparation. He didn't want to go crazy with his outfit, instead he prepared one of the shirts he's bought with Ghost, along with grey camo pants. Out of accessories, he put on a chain necklace and a black ring on his right hand. He fixed his mohawk and looked in the mirror. Gosh, he felt amazing. The outfit felt so masculine that he wanted to stay in it for the rest of his life, or at least this day. Adjusting his shirt, he heard a knock on the door.
-Come in
-Soap, which..-Ghost paused-Oh, you look..handsome.
-Which hoodie is better?-Simon said, holding up two.
-I don't think you'll need this, but the one with skull sleeves.
Ghost left and closed the door. Soap looked so damn good and happy, it made him smile. He went back to his room, letting Soap prepare.

After the door closed, Soap got out some pride merch he had. The trans flag, which he wanted to take and two rainbow wristbands, he wanted to give one to Ghost, but he was almost sure he wouldn't want that. He got his bag and put a small box in it, then sprayed some perfume on himself and left the room.

Ghost picked out his favorite black pants, the hoodie Soap told him is better, and a matching mask. It didn't cover his eyes, but he tried his best to get used to it. He then adjusted his hair, and, after a while decided to do his eyeliner. He's been doing it for a long time, mostly for comfort but also generally for fun. He looked at the mirror; everything fit together, he didn't feel really comfortable but this fit was the only thing he could wear for such an event. He then went to his room and prepared his bag. He put a pretty, and small box in it, along with a snack, since he knew it'll take a pretty long time when they'll be there. He opened his closet and got out a rainbow flag, since he didn't really want to be extremely open about his sexuality but still wanted to have fun. He used his mist and left the room.

-You know Smoke, I'm sure he'll be extremely surprised-Soap has made friends with Ghost's cats and liked to talk to them sometimes-but I just hope he doesn't laugh.
-Laugh at what?-Simon was going down the stairs when he heard that part of their conversation, well, technically a monologue.
-I.. Uhhh-Soap swore at himself for not having a backup plan-Wanted to.. match wristbands
Soap took the wristbands out of his bag and passed one to Ghost, putting another one on.
-So, will you wear it Simon?
-Okay-Ghost smiled and got it on-let's go, where do we meet with-
-We'll pick them up, here's the address.

-Time skip- (there have been to many car scenes with them lol)

-There we are-Ghost waved to König through his car window.
-Just.. Drive slowly, we do not want to crash-Soap smiled at Simon
-You know my driving skills
-Exactly, that's why I'm scared we'll crash.
König entered the car with Horangi and closed the door. Ghost took a look at them. König, with a bi flag and a rainbow on his hoodie, looking a bit stressed but still happy, and Horangi with a mlm one and a black mask on his face. He seemed much more excited, and this whole situation seemed familiar to Simon, Soap was all excited just like Horangi, while König and Ghost were pretty neutral.
-Hey, you look really cool König-Soap had a huge smile on his face-Excited?
-König, it's gonna be cool-Horangi smiled at him-Really
-Yes, I am-Soap could've sworn König blushed under his mask.

They've finally arrived, and Ghost obviously didn't bother driving slowly like Soap asked. But hey, they were still alive. They got out and walked towards the music that was playing, the event's already started. Soap happily noticed that there were many other trans people around, and pulled Ghost to the centre. Simon was content, seeing Soap smile like that made him feel amazing.
-Just watch out for your arm-he reminded him
-Also, where did König and Horangi go?
-Right there, Horangi's introducing him to the situation-Soap pointed at their friends-follow me
Ghost listened and walked with Soap. He showed him some stands, they also got something to drink.
-Did you know that this foundation helps trans teens?
-It does?
-Well, it's written here.
Soap grabbed a brochure and read it. It said that they help trans teens get binders and support they need. He was happy to know teenagers can get what he didn't really have. He noticed Ghost grab a little trans flag they were giving to people and put it in his bag, making it stick out in a way people could see it. He knew Ghost was trying to support him in any way, and was really glad for it.
-Time skip-(sorry)
Horangi and König joined Ghost and Soap in the centre of the event. König seemed less anxious than he was when they've arrived, probably because Horangi was holding his hand, helping him calm down.
-Ghost, do you plan to..-König asked, seeing Soap turn around
-Not yet.
Music was still playing, but Ghost wasn't focused on it. He was watching Soap, enjoying every second of pride. Suddenly, the leader announced another song, and it was Born This Way, fitting the topic of the event. Ghost knew it was the time, he pulled Soap somewhere more silent, while König watched from a distance.
-What is he doing?-Horangi asked
-Just watch
Soap turned around to face Ghost, a bit confused. Ghost opened his bag and got the box out. He looked at Soap and opened it slowly.
-Johnny, will you..-he spoke slowly, not knowing if he's using the right words-be my boyfriend?
Ghost asked, revealing a grey skull ring in the box.
-Oh, Simon..-Soap was really surprised and happy, which made a weird mix
-It's okay if not, we don't know each other that well anyways-
Ghost stopped speaking, looking at Soap who got a box out of his bag.
-I was about to ask you the same today-he opened the box to show a ring with, well, a soap design-will you be my boyfriend, Simon?
Ghost felt a tear in his eye, tear of happiness, and started laughing, then walked towards Soap and hugged him
-Of course, Johnny.
Soap stood on his toes and reached towards Ghost's mask, moving in off his lips and gave him a kiss. It lasted long, the trans flag fell of his arm but he didn't mind, while Ghost wrapped them in the rainbow one. Finishing the kiss, they heard an applause. It was König and Horangi, who were still watching. Soap, still in Ghost's arms smiled at them.
-You're invited to our wedding-he laughed
-What wedding?
-One we'll have-Soap kissed Ghost again, picked up his flag, and hugged into Simon. He couldn't wait for everything that they were going to experience, moving in together, wedding, staying up all night watching movies, dates, roadtrips, maybe even having a family. Whatever awaited them, he was ready and excited. Ghost knew exactly what was going through Soap's mind and smiled, happy that they are together, no matter how it started. Began with T, ended with Together.

Author's note: This might be the end, give me some time to think about it, because it might not be. Hope you enjoyed :]

Together begins with T-Soap x Ghost AUWhere stories live. Discover now