Chapter 1: Last Day of School.

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My 1st Book...

My 1st chapter...

hope you guys love it.

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Chapter 1:

Last Day of School.

~•~ Jamie's P.O.V ~•~

It's finally the last day of school, and we were dismissed from our last period, my best friend-Riana- and I, were talking about all sorts of stuff. See, Riana Jolin Smith was my best-est friend ever since 4th Grade. She was this cute girl who was very cheerful and a very social one, too. She always knew how to cheer someone when the person was having a bad day.

"So... Jamie, are you going to miss him?" Riana said with one of her eyebrows raised.

 god! I hated it when she says 'him' I always get butterflies in my stomach, my cheeks turns red as fast as she says it, and I always smile like the creepy cat from the movie Alice In the Wonderland. At times, I even put both of my hands on my face to cover my stupid face when these things happen to me.

"What are you taking about? Who 'him'?" I questioned acting like I didn't know.

"Oh, come on! You know who and what I'm talking about." She said.

I ignored her hoping she would give up and stop talking about him.

"Ughhh..... Jamie! I'm gonna scream out his name if you don't answer my question, I swear." She said threatening me.

I still remained silent, but when I heard her threat I didn't mind about it at first. But something caught my eye... it was him. I looked at Riana with a don't-you-dare look.


I quickly covered her mouth with my hand just before she could finish screaming out his name. I looked at him just to check if he heard, he didn't. I looked back at Riana with a what-did-you-do-that-for look. When I was looking at him again he was looking right at me with his gorgeous light brown eyes. We had long eye contact, but I was the first one who turned away. I looked at Riana with a did-you-see-what-I-see look, she nodded and looked at her right side and bit her lip smiling, looked down on the ground, and just walked away. I screamed out her name, but she just kept on walking. I turned around back to my original position. Just to see Jamison walking towards me. I walked away carrying my notebook with my special pen as quick as possible...

"Jamie!" He said with his deep voice which I always fell for.

 ~•~ Jamison's P.O.V ~•~

 I saw her walk away, I just had to scream her name. I arrived at the place where she was standing and looked at the ground and saw a pen. I saw a pen with Jamie's name engraved on it with diamonds. She must've dropped it when she walked away. I wondered why she walked away... Was it me? No, it couldn't have possibly be me. I'm Jamison Alex Shaw... I'm on the basketball varsity team of our school. Girls from the Cheerleading Squad and those who I didn't even knew existed were always flirting with me except for one, Jamie Lyn Miller. I don't know why, but I was always attracted to her. She was so simple in a unique way, pretty, and sexy. She had white flawless skin that made her look like so much an angel to me, and her wavy brunette hair and sparkly dark brown eyes never failed to catch my eyes.

I walked back over to where Marcus, Jake, and Brett were standing, they were talking about the party Marcus was throwing over at his crib next week.

"Where did you go, Jamison?" Marcus asked me with his arm on my shoulders.

"I just wanted to ask Jamie Miller if she wanted to come to the party with me... but she walked away before I could get to her"

"Dude. Jamie Miller? Are you serious?!? You wanted to ask 'the Jamie Miller' out?!?"

"I mean yeah... We were pretty close in the 1st and 2nd Grade. And I kinda like the woman you call 'the Jamie Miller'."

"I don't know, man. She turned down all of the guys who asked her out. I don't know about you, but you could try...since you have good looks and girls drooling over you and all that." Marcus said trying to cheer me up.

I smirked and laughed a bit. Marcus was my best friend I met him when I was in 3rd Grade.

"Well... It's worth a shot." I chuckled. "Uhmm... I gotta go. Later guys." I waved as I walked away.

I was walking home with the pen on my hand... I was wondering on how I could give it back to Jamie. Maybe I could give it back whenever I bumped into her and ask her to go to the party with me.

~•~ Jamie's P.O.V ~•~

I finally arrived home... I could smell the delicious scent of Jierra Mae Miller's -my mom- own homemade Mac n' Cheese, my favorite. I went in kitchen to kiss my mom and get a bowl of mom's Mac n' Cheese.

"How was the last day school today, honey?" Mom asked with her well-known friendly voice and smile.

"It was ok." I said with a small smile on my face.

My dad, Justin Ray Miller, passed away when I was just 11 years old in a car accident. Me and my mom misses him, but for all I know he is in a better place now. I finished my dinner and went upstairs to my bedroom. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened a while ago... The way Jamison looked at me... I reached out for my journal just to check if my special pen with my name engraved on it, was still hung on the notebook cover... I noticed that it wasn't there anymore, I must've dropped it when I walked away. I panicked and nearly cried. I just didn't know what to do, that pen was my most prized possession and my only memory of my dad other than pictures of him. Anyways, I did my usual routine before I went to sleep. The last thing I did was go on Instagram. While I was instagramming I saw a picture of my cousin, Michelle, and her, fiancé, Nicholas, hugging each other, in the caption it said said 'Excited! 3 more days till my wedding day.' I almost forgot about it, but now I remembered... I even picked out a dress already... It was a short, lavender, spaghetti strapped dress. After, I drifted off to sleep.

~•~ Jamison's P.O.V ~•~

I just finished picking out the suit I was going to wear for my older brother's old college friend's, Nicholas, wedding day. He was one of my closest friends, too. I was ready to go to sleep, but I can't help but think of Jamie, about her- well... Everything. I've got to admit that I kinda liked Jamie since the 1st Grade. She was so sweet and kind, she would try her best to make anyone happy, she doesn't want to make anyone sad or angry just because of her. It must be funny for me who was a player with girls, of all the girls that I could've fallen in love with, I fell for Jamie, even though we stopped talking to each other since 3rd Grade, and I guess that's why I never got the chance to ask her out or something and instead, went out with some other girls instea. I was getting sleepy and eventually slept through the night.


Well... hope you loved it. I know it's kinda boring, but please bear with me... since this was my very first book and chapter. <3 

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