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As Punn immersed himself in the melodies flowing from his violin, his fingers dancing delicately across the strings, he found solace in the music. Lost in his own world, he was taken by surprise when he noticed Tee standing nearby, watching him with a warm smile. Maintaining a polite smile, Punn spoke softly, his voice laced with subtle curiosity. "This is a private practice, and you know that."

Tee's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with warmth. "Don't be a buzz kill P, you already ignore me during classes. I'm starting to feel you aren't glad my parents transferred me here." Punn blushed slightly and seemed to be hesitant on what to respond.

"You know that's not true"

"It sure feels like it is. We grew up together and now It's like I don't even recognize you anymore..."

Punn let out a slight laugh as he put down the music instrument. He missed Tee they hadn't seen each other in quite some time. Punn's dad and Tee's uncle were colleagues, so that meant they saw each other often growing up. They were inseparable that was of course till Punn got accepted in Ridtha High School.

Although Tee had always been taller than him, now the height difference was very noticeable. Tee was very slim, his baby cheeks now long gone being replaced with handsome and sharp features. Punn could understand why the girls at Ridtha were swooning over him.

"Don't be dramatic."

"If you want I can help you practice P. I still know my piano keys."

Tee got close to Punn and eyed the music pamphlet with curiosity, he reached to take it but the shorter one quickly tried to get it out of reach. The moment their hands accidentally touched, a surge of energy coursed through Punn, leaving a tingling sensation that seemed to burn his very being.

Punn's eyes widened in realization. He had felt this sensation before—the unmistakable presence of another gifted student. The knowledge flashed through his mind, bringing with it a mix of curiosity and concern. As the burning sensation intensified, Punn's focus shifted from the music to the enigmatic young man before him.

"No... How?"

A flicker of worry crossed Tee's face as he witnessed Punn's reaction. Concern etched his features as he reached out, attempting to offer comfort or explanation. But Punn, his mind already racing with thoughts of revealing this encounter to Pang and Wave, hastily withdrew his hand.

"Shit, I'm so sorry... I can't control it. Director said no one should know."


Punn's tone was cold, he seemed to be fighting different thoughts inside his head. This meant there are more gifted students, the director keeps awakening powers within them. But, why?

"After the entrance exam. There were 4 of us in that room. Then this agitating grating sound started beeping on our ears. Profesor Pom was there and told us we had changed forever."

Without uttering a word, Punn left the practice room, his violin practice momentarily forgotten. His mind was consumed with a sense of urgency, knowing that he needed to find Pang. Tee's friendly demeanor now seemed laced with questions, uncertainties, and the need for caution.

Punn's footsteps echoed through the hallways as he made his way in search of his fellow gifted members. Pang much to his demise was in charge, and now needed to be informed about the encounter with Tee. More importantly because that meant there are more of them out there.

Punn's heart raced with a mix of apprehension and determination, aware of the potential implications this new revelation held for their gifted group. Yet, he started to hesitate as he thought about Tee.

As he rounded the corner, Punn spotted Pang and Wave engaged in conversation or more like Pang was conversing while Wave rolled his eyes and nodded silently.

"I've just had an encounter with the new guy—Tee,"

Punn's words tumbling out in a rush, pretending he didn't knew Tee and doing it quick before regretting it. "I felt his powers, the burning sensation... He's one of us, a gifted student."

Pang and Wave exchanged a glance, their expressions shifting from curiosity to focused attention. Punn did not detail the encounter. Judging from the lack of surprise on their faces Punn concluded they knew yet hadn't bothered sharing it with the rest of them.

"He's powerful. And as I gather, you already know there are more of them."

A wave of seriousness washed over Pang and Wave as they absorbed the information. They understood the potential consequences of encountering a new gifted student, especially one whose powers might be untamed or uncontrollable. It was a critical moment that required their collective attention and vigilance.

"We need to find Tee and ensure he receives proper guidance," Pang asserted, determination flashing in his eyes.

The vibrant energy that had surged through Punn seemed to have left its mark, leaving behind a visible burn on his palm. Concern etched across Wave's face as he gently reached out to examine the injury.

"Your hand..." Wave murmured. He carefully inspected the burn, his fingertips tracing the edges with a delicate touch. The sight of Punn's injured hand served as a stark reminder of the potential dangers their abilities held.

Pang, too, leaned in closer, his eyes widening as he observed the burn. "Punn, what happened? Did the encounter with Tee cause this?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I'm fine. Just find the other gifted students. I'll talk to Tee." Punn spoke annoyed by the concern. "Wave, Pang I just told you because that's my duty as a member of the gifted." Punn left the room, in search for Tee, he did not trust the way Wave or Pang would handle things.

Wave and Pang exchanged glances, a mix of worry and understanding passing between them. Punn's words stung a little, his annoyance palpable, but they knew deep down that he was driven by a sense of responsibility.

Wave's gaze lingered on the spot where Punn had stood before shifting his attention to Pang. "That son of a bitch..." he said, his voice laced with a touch of concern. "He knows his limits and capabilities."

Pang could sense the mix of determination and worry on Wave's seemingly careless tone. "Punn has always been fiercely independent, and he knows how to handle himself. Don't worry.".

"I'm not worried, Who's worried? I don't care." Pang laughed at Wave's tryout at being tough. He just threw his arm around Wave's frame and continued walking.

"How about this. Let's get some ice cream, before you start freaking out on how to handle the newbies powers." The taller one didn't wait for a response and just kept on talking about some football game while Wave listened.


Hey! I've introduced a new character to the story, Tee. In my mind he is played by Off Jumpol :)

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