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Punn's footsteps echoed softly as he made his way through the serene school garden, the vibrant flora providing a colorful backdrop to his encounter with Tee. He approached Tee cautiously, his eyes meeting the sincere gaze of the new student.

Tee's voice was tinged with regret as he spoke, expressing his apologies for inadvertently causing harm to Punn. "I should've told you." Punn's expression softened, his initial concern easing as he recognized Tee's genuine remorse.

"It's alright, Tee," Punn reassured him, his voice laced with understanding, unlike his usual self.

Tee and Punn found a secluded spot behind the basketball court's bleachers, away from prying eyes and curious onlookers. They settled themselves close to each other, their shared secret binding them in a moment of intimacy.

They talked, what had started as a conversation about how Tee discovered his new abilities turned into one that was flooded with memories. Punn laughed, he hadn't been able to completely let go ever since he started school at Ridtha. Tee made him feel at ease, it reminded him about his past self, before everything.

With a gentle touch, Tee took Punn's injured wrist into his hands, his fingers carefully navigating the delicate task of cleaning and bandaging the damaged skin. Punn couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and apprehension, his gaze fixed on Tee's focused expression as he tended to his injury.

The air around them was filled with a sense of vulnerability, their closeness transcending the physical realm. Punn's heart fluttered as he realized the depth of trust he had placed in Tee, allowing him to tend to his wounds both physical and emotional. It was a silent acknowledgment of their connection, a shared understanding that extended beyond their abilities.

As Tee wrapped the bandage around Punn's wrist, their eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, unspoken emotions passed between them. Punn felt a surge of conflicting emotions, his heart torn between loyalty to his current relationship and the growing connection he was beginning to feel with Tee. He struggled to push aside these burgeoning feelings, a battle within himself that threatened to consume his thoughts.

Tee, sensing the tension in Punn's demeanor, spoke softly, his voice carrying a mixture of concern and understanding. He assured Punn that their encounter and subsequent friendship would remain their secret, a pact sealed in that hidden space behind the bleachers.

Punn nodded, his gratitude for Tee's understanding evident in his eyes. It was a bond forged in shared vulnerability, a connection that defied the boundaries of friendship and hinted at something deeper. Yet, as they sat there in the quiet solitude, they both recognized the need to tread carefully, their actions restrained by the knowledge of the complexities that lay ahead.

With a final glance, their gazes lingering for a moment longer than necessary, Punn and Tee silently agreed to navigate the intricacies of their friendship with caution. They rose from their spot behind the bleachers, their hearts heavy with unspoken thoughts and unexplored possibilities.

As their eyes met, a fleeting moment of connection passed between them, unspoken emotions hanging in the air. Punn recognized the unexplored depths of their potential bond, but he chose to push those feelings aside.

"It's getting late, I should go..."

"Don't push me away, Punn"

As they bid each other farewell, their conversation lingering in their thoughts, Punn couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue. The connection they shared, both as friends and as gifted individuals, held the potential for something deeper. But for now, Punn knew he had to honor his commitments and navigate the challenges before them with wisdom and integrity.

Leaving behind that hidden space, they stepped back into the world, each carrying their own burdens and secrets. Their paths now intertwined once again, their destinies uncertain.

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