Return of the Mathematician

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Reports of a young girl being attacked by small green creatures on the islands of Costa Rica spread like wildfire. No one knew what the creatures that attacked the little girl were, but anyone who's ever been on the island and lived to tell the tale knew exactly what they were. Dinosaurs from the lost and forgotten amusement park known as Jurassic Park. Four years ago, a group of unlikely scientists and a photographer paid a visit to the theme park in hopes to endorse it to the public. Little did they know that the moment they step into that park, their lives would change forever, and not in a good way. One of those surviving visitors of the park was none other than the infamous mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm. Recently, he'd received an invite from the creator of Jurassic Park Dr. John Hammond to pay the old man visit. As much as Malcolm hates the idea, he had no choice but to go since Hammond probably owed him a favor.

While sitting in the subway, Malcolm quietly pulled out a photo from his leather jacket. It was a picture of him and Laureen when they first met in university. God, how he missed her. The last they spoke was two years ago when they had a rather heated argument about going public on the park's existence. Laureen was against it while Malcolm wanted to tell the world about the possible dangers that may happen in the future. Chaos theory as he would say, but Ian knew he had to move on after he started dating again. Sometimes he wondered if the photographer was doing alright. Maybe she started dating again or possibly forgot about him and moved on with her life. Then again, how can you move on after nearly dying in a park full of extinct creatures.

When the subway comes to a stop, Ian makes his way to Hammond's mansion. A butler greets him and escorts the mathematician inside. There he was greeted by Lex and Timmy, surprised to see the kids have grown so much since the last time he saw them. Unfortunately, there was one person he wasn't so happy to see, Hammond's nephew, Peter Ludlow. There he was signing agreements with the lawyer to take over the company InGen and continue building the theme park for money. Just before Malcolm could talk the man out of it, the butler guides the mathematician to the master bedroom. Upon entering the room, Malcolm's eyes fell on the old man Dr. John Hammond. It was obvious the old man was in poor health but his smile still remained. Knowing that look, Malcolm definitely knew what was going on and why he was summoned.

"You were right, and I was wrong there" said the old man, "Did you ever expect to hear me say such a thing? Thank god for Site B"
Malcolm looked confused, "Site-Site B?" he asked
Hammond explained that Site B was the factory floor while Isa Nublar was only a showroom for the tourist. The factory itself was only 80 miles away from the park where scientists would breed the dinosaurs, nurture them for a few months before transferring them to Nublar. After the accident at the park, a hurricane wipes out the facility in Site B, or as Hammond calls it 'An Act of God.' Of course, the scientists had to evacuate and the animals were released to mature on their own.
"Life will find a way, as you once so eloquently put it" said Hammond with a smile, "By now, we have a complete ecological system on the island. With dozens of species living in social groups, without fences, boundaries or constraining technology. And for four years, I tried to keep them safe from human interference"

Malcolm couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hammond keeping the island contained from human interference? That was something new. But he had to admit, it was rather impressive that the old man kept the dinosaurs on the island for the past four years since the incident.
"Well, that's right, that's right" he said, "I mean, hopefully, you've kept this island quarantined, uh, and contained."
To say Malcolm was shocked would be an understatement. More surprised that the dinosaurs were still alive and breeding. But then the mathematician remembered that the dinosaurs should've kicked after seven days with supplemental enzymes. Hammond smiled and told him, "Yes! But by God, they're flourishing! That's one of a thousand questions I want the team to answer"

"Team?" asked Malcolm as the old man pulled himself out of bed to fetch some files of volunteers to help with the expedition he organized. The mathematician shook his head in disapproval of Hammond's actions. Sending a small group of people on an island with any fences spelled disaster in bold lettering. "And who are these four lunatics that you're trying to con into this?" asked Malcolm, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Five" said Hammond, "There are five volunteers for the exhibition and I hoped you'd be the sixth. I have to admit it was hard to convince them as to what they were going to see. Thankfully, one of them is an expert but the hardest to convince."
Malcolm raises a brow as Hammond hands him the files of each of the volunteers. Among two of the five volunteers were his current girlfriend Dr. Sarah Harding and his ex Laureen Adams. The other reason behind the exhibition was because a few weeks ago, a British family on a yacht cruise stumbled upon the island and their daughter Cathy was the little girl that was attacked on the news. Thankfully, she was just fine, only minor injuries. But because of the incident, Ludlow wanted complete control of InGen from Hammond.

It was only a matter of time before 'The Lost World' as the old man calls it, was found and pillaged. Public opinion was the only thing Hammond could preserve and the only way to do so, he needed photo proof of the animals, alive and in their natural habitat.
"So you went from capitalist to naturalist in just four years?" asked Malcolm, "That's-That's something"
"Laureen told me the same thing" said Hammond, gesturing the mathematician to come close, "But this is our last chance at redemption"
Malcolm stood silently before bluntly answering, 'no' to the old man, "I'm gonna contact the other four members of your team, and I'm gonna stop them from going"
Malcolm browsed through the files of each of the volunteers. Two among the five volunteers were his current girlfriend Dr. Sarah Harding and his ex Laureen Adams.
"You didn't contact Sarah and Laureen did you?" he asked
"Sarah came to me, I want you to know this" said Hammond, "Paleontological behavior study is a brand-new field, and Sarah Harding is on that frontier. Laureen on the other hand, she was the hardest to convince. But she is the best wildlife photographer out there."

Just before Hammond could continue, Malcolm anxiously looked for a phone to call the team and stop them from going to the island. But it was too late, they were already there. Hammond reminds Malcolm that the rest of the team would meet Sarah and Larueen in three days. That means the mathematician has no choice but to join the exhibition and get everyone off the island immediately. "You sent my girlfriend and my ex to this island alone?" asked Malcolm
"'Sent' is hardly the word" said Hammond, "Those two couldn't be restrained"
Sarah Harding was already working in San Diego doing research on the animal park while Laureen was in New York working for the New York Times. Thankfully, it was only a few hours flight to the island. The old man even reassured him that the two would be fine and the research team would be taken care of. Malcolm stops him for a moment and says, "This is not a research expedition anymore. It's a rescue operation, and it's leaving right now"

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