Back Where it All Began

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The moment the ship arrives on the island, Malcolm wasted no time in heading toward Sarah's location. With Nick and Eddie by his side, the mathematician cautiously looked in every direction of the jungle to make sure not a living thing came out to attack them. His eyes then fell on an abandoned backpack on the ground, seeing the tears on the material, Malcolm knew who it belonged to.
"Sarah!!" he called, desperately searching for his girlfriend's whereabouts. Nick called Sarah's name as well before shouting, "Sarah Harding!"
"How many Sarah do you think are on this island?" asked Malcolm sarcastically before calling for Sarah once more.
Suddenly, the trio hear the sound of rustling in the trees, thinking it was a dinosaur ready to attack them. Eddie aims his rifle at the trees before a woman jumps down from it to reveal herself as the female photographer, Laureen Adams.

"At ease, boys" she said bluntly, "It's only me"
Eddie and Nick sighed in relief while Malcolm stood in silence. After two years, he was surprised by how much Laureen has changed. She did gain a bit more muscle than last time, her long dark curls showed signs of gray from her messy bun, and the scar peeking beneath her military jacket. Either way, she was still a vision of beauty in his eyes. When the two made eye contact, Laureen wasn't too happy to see her ex on the island. "What the hell are you doing here, Ian?" asked Laureen, "Hammond promised you wouldn't get involved"
The woman turned her attention to Nick, "And you" she growled, "You were suppose to make sure he DOESN'T come here"
The male photographer held his hands up in defense, "Not my fault, Laureen" he said, "He insisted on coming"
"Did he now?" Laureen's eyes glanced at the mathematician who stood silently in shock.

The female photographer stood before Malcolm with a glare, "This is none of your business, Dr. Malcolm"
"As uh, as a matter of fact, it is my business Laureen" said Malcolm, "I came here to-"
"Save it. You're probably here to stop this expedition, get us out of here without any contact from the mainland, and act like none of this ever happened, right?"
Malcolm sighed in frustration, he forgot how stubborn Laureen was, even before they started dating. Before Malcolm could argue, the sound of bushes rustling could be heard from the distance. On the other side stood a herd of Stegosaurus walking by. Nick and Eddie stood in awe while Malcolm and Laureen watched with concern. "This is- this is magnificent" said Eddie while Nick took pictures in a safe distance.
"That's how it all starts with the 'oohs' and the 'ahhs' " said Laureen
"But then later there's running and... screaming" Malcolm added.

As Nick walks ahead to get a closer shot of the creatures, there stood the paleontologist Sarah Harding, Malcolm's current girlfriend, taking photos of the Stegosaurus'. She turned to see Nick and smiled, calling his name to scare the male photographer.
"Laureen, This place is amazing!" said Sarah, "How could you say this is dangerous and-"
She paused, seeing the presence of Malcolm shone brightly through the sunlight. The red haired woman clearly was surprised by his arrival, wondering how Hammond was able to get the mathematician to join the expedition. "I never thought in a million years Hammond would get you to come"
"Neither did I" said Laureen, "and he was just leaving"
Malcolm held his hand to stop Laureen from talking before walking up to Sarah. The female photographer watched with her crossed over her chest, man did she hate this man at times. Still, she couldn't help but miss him every now and then. She thought Malcolm's actions were both brave yet foolish considering how much they've suffered the last time they were involved with Hammond.

Sarah was clearly mesmerized by the island, telling Malcolm about the herd of Stegosaurus and their family groups. But he wasn't all that interested by the look on his face and showing the backpack in his hand.
"You've been attacked?" he asked
"Oh no" said Sarah, "That's, uh, my lucky pack. That's how it always looks"
Just before Malcolm could ask further questions, Sarah grabs Nick's camera to take a closer shot at the baby Stegosaurus nearby. The mathematician was about to march after his girlfriend when he felt his ex staring daggers at him from behind. He turns to see a disappointed yet jealous Laureen staring at him with her arms crossed over her chest. "You came for Sarah didn't you, Ian?" asked Laureen
"No-I mean uh, I came for you too" said Malcolm, "Just wanted to make sure you and the others get off this island safe and sound"
"I'm taking care of that. It was all in the contract Hammond and I made. But nothing in that contract said that you would come here like he promised"
"You know how Hammond is, Laureen. He never learns from his mistakes and creates new ones every time."
"Aside from that, You really came for her didn't you? The man who's always looking out for a Future Ex-Mrs. Malcolm"

Malcolm knew he deserved that, but right now he had to go after Sarah. He makes his way down the river with Laureen and the clothes following behind.
"Sarah," called Malcolm, "when Hammond called you, uh, why didn't you say something?"
"Because I knew you would've stopped me from coming" Sarah answered
"I would've tied you to the bed, yeah"
"I figured out how the animals survive without lysine"
"I don't care"
"If you look at the diets of the herbivore species that are thriving, they eat mostly agama beans, soy, anything lysine-rich"
Before Sarah could talk about the carnivore's diet, a low was heard from the bushes. Knowing what comes next, Laureen follows Sarah to keep an eye on her safety while Malcolm stays with Nick and Eddie, watching the scene commence. Sarah carefully approaches a baby Stegosaurus eating while quietly taking pictures using Nick's camera. Malcolm quietly calls Sarah to come back as Nick pulls out his video camera to film the scene.

"She'll be fine" said Nick, "Laureen's keeping an eye on her, she's safe"
"Oh yeah?" asked Malcolm, "Well you should really see her with a gun"
"Oh, I have"
"They're much too close. What the hell is Sarah doing?"
Laureen quietly approaches Sarah while making sure a dinosaur doesn't come out of nowhere to attack them. The red head noticed the tense look on the female photographer's face and giggled softly, "Just relax, Laureen" she said, "They're herbivores. It's not like they're gonna attack us"
"Maybe not them" said Laureen, "but something else would"
"Is that why you and Ian broke up?"
"Quite the opposite, actually"
Sarah nods and proceeds to reach her hand out to pet the baby dinosaur, much to Malcolm and Laureen's dismay. "Did you ask Nick for an extra film?" asked Laureen
"No, why?" asked Sarah before taking another picture till the motor starts whirring, scaring the baby dinosaur from the sound.
"That's why" said Laureen, pulling Sarah aside to get away from the herd. All the while Malcolm was tempted to go after the women as Nick held him down.
"Shoot 'em!" he yelled
"They're just protecting their baby" said Eddie
"So am I!"
"Which one? The girlfriend or the ex?"

The two women run from the herd as one nearly knocks the two out with their tail. Just as the two think they're surrounded, Laureen drags Sarah to an old log and crawls inside it for protection. One dinosaur nearly stabs Sarah with its horn until the herd finally leaves with their baby safe and sound. Once they are gone, Malcolm runs toward Sarah and Laureen with Nick and Eddie following behind. Just as the male photographer placed a cigarette to his lips, Laureen shouts, "I wouldn't do that! Dinosaurs can pick up scents from miles away. We're here to document, not interact"
"Which, by the way, is a scientifically impossibility" said Malcolm, "Uh, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Whatever you study, you also challenge"
"Well, I'll risk it" said Sarah, saying how sick and tired she was of scratching around in rock and bone, making assumptions and deductions about the nurturing habits of animals that have been dead for 63 million years. She was even tired of hearing the same story Malcolm has told her for the past two years.

The images of Ian sacrificing himself to help Alan and the kids appeared in Laureen's mind. Even the horrifying memory of nearly becoming a raptor's next meal came to mind. A hand on the female photographer's shoulder snapped her back to reality, seeing it was Nick looking at her with concern. "You okay?" he asked, offering the woman some water which she gladly accepts before popping a pill into her mouth. Nick then noticed a cloud of smoke coming from the campsite, rushing toward it to take out the fire before the animals would notice. This made Malcolm and Laureen wonder who started the fire in the first place. The RV opens to reveal a young girl attempting to cook something using that fire, Kelly Malcolm.
"I just wanted to make dinner" she said, "I wanted it ready when you guys got back"
Laureen glared at the mathematician in anger and disappointment.

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