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The next morning, after Luke finally got up, and got himself ready for school, I served breakfast at the kitchen table.

I didn't usually do this, but I knew that this way, we could chat.

"How are you this morning?" I asked politely, watching him shuffle into the room and sit at the table.

"I'm okay." He answered quietly, picking up his fork.

I sat across from him, getting comfortable and preparing myself.

"Did you sleep well?" I decided to ask.

"Um, I guess." He said, now looking at me with tired eyes.

"Do you remember what you did last night?" I asked him.

Luke froze, and I watched a blush creep upon his cheeks.

"No." He mumbled quickly, taking a bite of his eggs.

"D'you have any ketchup?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ketchup?" I asked, making a face to show my disgust. Within seconds, I realised that he almost distracted me.

"Nevermind that, Luke, listen to me." I said, folding my hands together after resting them on the table.

"I want to know what you did last night. Tell me who you were with, where you were, and what you did." I said, looking at him.

He bit his bottom lip, looking at the table. "I was with my friend...we went to his friends house, and we just talked."

"Did you? Is that how you got love bites on your neck?" I asked.

"We just messed around a little, it was nothing." He shrugged, trying to dismiss the conversation.

"Who's we? Who gave those to you and gave you marijuana?" I asked.

"My mate." He mumbled.

"I'd like a name, Luke." I said.

"His name is Calum, I've known him for a while, we've got a few classes together." He explained briefly, looking at his lap.

I sighed heavily, sitting back in my chair.

"I don't want you going anywhere else without me, and come straight to the music store after school." I ordered, trying to sound stern.

Luke didn't answer me, hanging his head.

"D'you understand?" I asked.

Eventually, he nodded, sighing and sitting back up. He finished his breakfast, and didn't say a word to me for the rest of the morning.

As I drove him to school, my phone started ringing. I liked to think I was good at multitasking, so I chose to answer it.

"Hi Haz." Louis said quietly.

"Oh, hi Lou." I smiled, surprised that he was calling me this early. Louis usually didn't budge until at least eleven, sometimes noon.

"What's up?" I asked, glancing at Luke before I focused on the road.

"Um, well....I've done something I'm not particularly proud of. I mean, of course, I was helping you," Louis began.

"You wanted Liam gone, right? Away from Zayn?" He asked. I'd never actually said that.

"What've you done?" I asked, getting a bit worried.

"No, I haven't killed him or anything, but..I don't think he'll be interested in Zayn for a while." Louis said, sounding to be proud of himself.

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