Star Gazing

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Yato's POV

"I will place picnic blanket here." I said as I was trying to settle up an atmosphere on one of the tallest cliffs close to our place. Tonight is the night of our dreams, for the longest time ever we are actually going to watch sky full of shooting stars and patterns. Last time I've seen it, It was ages ago. And by 'we' I mean Hiyori and I. Yes, I invited only her. Don't get me wrong, I wanted Yukine to tag along too but he had other plans with Kazuma-san. Some training I suppose. I don't mind it, as long as I have Hiyori by my side. For the first time ever I never felt so nervous around her before and I can't actually understand the feeling I have inside of me every time I think of her...

"Yato! It's almost midnight,my parents are going to kill me If they find out I got out without their permission! Plus, my soul hasn't slipped out of my body." Hiyori got worried. I didn't like seeing her like that.

"They won't, relax. You must see this! You won't regret it I swear!"

"I know, just...sometimes I overthink. I don't want to ruin tonights mood too." She sat on the blanket, I did too.

"You won't. I know."

We brought some snacks while we star gaze. I didn't brought my usual beer for a change because I knew I will get drunk too soon, and ruin things for her.

"Where is Yukine-kun? I thought he was going to be with us."

"Oh, he is training with Kazuma-san. I don't think he will make it."

"I see." She looked at the night sky, and I realised I was starring at her.

"Are you...disappointed?"

"For what?"

"That Yukine couldn't make it."

"Well, no. I'm just sad he will miss tonights show. I love spending time with you." She smiled at me. I felt my cheeks heat up and I got even more nervous.

"O-Oh I also brought us pillows, you know, to rest our heads." I started placing a pillow right behind her and one for me aswell. Then I laid back.

"Do you actually know anything about cosmos, galaxy and space?" She asked me.

"Well...I've been watching it for quite some time now. Everytime It's so different. Sometimes you can see Big dipper, Summer triangle or even Orion made in the sky. It's beautiful..." I got lost while watching the night sky and I felt somehow relaxed. "But I've always been alone. I never had anybody that was interested in"

I smiled while turning to her. I wasn't quiet sure if she blushed or not since it was dark even tho we had a teeny tiny lamp on.

"I never watched a night sky with anyone aswell." Then she laid back. "Wait, are these my pilows?!" She turned to look at me. I got goosebumps.

"Haha...I couldn't take some from Kofuku so...Haha...don't kill me. I will bring them back."

"Ugh, It's okay. At least for tonight..." she turned around again.

That's when I realised, I'm laying next to Hiyori. I'M LAYING NEXT TO IKI HIYORI. Yato! Stop it! What is wrong with you?! It's true we've been close before but only on battlefield. Why does this feel...different? Plus I can feel her persistence and her hands really close. I tried to focus on sky instead... I never knew she looked so beautiful like this under the moonlight...

Hiyori's POV

I'm glad Yato called me out to watch stars with him. This really is beautiful, even tho I didn't know much about it. Yet he got so hyped up. It was so funny.

"Look! That's Pegasus! Look, look Hiyori!" He started pointing at it and the shape it's made. "And that's Scorpius! It's called like that because It looks like a Scorpio." He was really happy. I was happy too.

"What about this one? Is this a shape?" I pointed at random direction.

"I think that's...wait, that looks like a heart! Rare one!"

"I can't quite see it." I was still pointing at something until he took my hand and started shaping out the heart pattern on dark blue sky. I felt my body heat up.

"See it now?" He was so close to me. He had to move a bit to show me. Plus, It was a heart! Stop blushing Hiyori!

"Y-Yeah...Who knew you know so much about stars!" I changed the topic.

"Well, that's the advantage of being a God for so long. You know' before I had a place to stay, my only home was Tenjins shirne and this sky..."


"Sometimes I make shapes of my own!" He crawled.

I saw comfort in this sky. First of all I enjoyed the atmosphere with him. I spotted a star that shined so bright from the rest of others.

"Look! This star looks like you..." I pointed as he took a glance at it.

"How so? It doesn't make a shape."

"It shines so bright from the rest of others. That's how you look when you are around us." Why did you had to say that Hiyori! You will ruin the mood!

"Y-You think I shine like that star?" I saw him blushing for some reason.

"Yes. You always have that bubbly personality, even tho sometimes Yukine and I seem annoyed with it. Please, never stop being so positive." I looked at him in the eyes. His eyes sparkled from the night sky. I never saw anyone with bright eyes as him. He turned away, smiling.

"Thank you, Hiyori. You know, you seem to open my eyes too. That's what I like about you." He didn't look at me. Thank God he didn't, because my face was so red...

After a few moments, we had a snack break. I didn't know what time it was since we didn't bring our phones with us. Time seems to slow when I'm with him. We chated and joked for sometime then a cold night breeze started to get through my bones. I forgot to being a coat...

"Are you okay? You are shaking. Are you cold? Nights can get chilly."

"I-I'm fine. I forgot to bring my coat. I can manage." At that moment he started to take off his tracksuit top. Wait, Is this what I think he is doing...N-No...He putted his top over my shoulders.

"No, you can't." Oh.

"B-But, It will be cold for you."

"God's can't get sick easily! Plus, I don't feel cold at all." He smiled. I covered my red face in his top. It does smell nice... It smells like him.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me, that's the least I can do!"

We laid back together again, this time I felt we were closer then before. Our hands almost touched and we often turned our heads to face each other. Is it just me, or do lovers do this too!? Somehow, I felt comfort and relaxed. I could fall asleep, although Yato wouldn't shut up. I didn't mind hearing his voice. It was a melody I never knew I would find peace in.

"Look Hiyori! It's a shooting star! I haven't seen it in sooooo long!" He got straight up. "Hurry up! Make a wish!" I got up aswell.

We both placed our hands and started wishing under the gleam moon. Then we opened our eyes.

"What did you wish for!?" Yato was excited as hell.

"Um, how about you go first?"

"I wished for fame, money, to be recognised in the God world and... to never be separated from you...AND YUKINE haha..." he placed a arm on his head.

"Wow! So many wishes!" I blushed. I loved his wish.

"What about you? What did you wish for?"

"...To never stop loving you."

Yato x Hiyori-One shots NoragamiWhere stories live. Discover now