the devils mate part 1

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Angela nougami the youngest of the nougami siblings and the youngest of the quadruplets has just moved to red grave city and opened a bakery

Angela was jumping from building to building scouting out the city memorizing the routes and the shortcuts

"Oh right I need to go meet up with my sisters tonight we're Celebrating me moving into my new place" Angela said to herself pulling up her hood

"Oh right I need to go meet up with my sisters tonight we're Celebrating me moving into my new place" Angela said to herself pulling up her hood

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She jumped from building to building to get to the place where she was meeting her sisters at but then a devil appeared in front of her

"Seriously your Gonna make me run late" Angela said with a groan as the devil swiped at her and she swiftly dodged it as she used her holy light arrow piercing through the devil killing it as she went on her way


The scene zooms in on a place called devil may cry as a phone rings a hand picked up the phone answering it "devil may cry....we don't take jobs after 9" the guy said hanging up the phone

A man walked down the stairs "stop messing around dante" the man said to his younger twin brother dante sat up in his seat

"hey verge let's go to a bar" dante said to his older twin brother vergil "I don't have time for your games" vergil said with annoyance in his tone

"C'mon it'll be fun" Dante said making his brother sigh in defeat as they walked out they were dante and vergil sparda sons of the famous devil hunter sparda

They arrived at a bar and ordered some drinks "this is childish" vergil said with a glare dante noticed this unnerved feeling from vergil

"what...we're just relaxing nothing better to do and there's currently no jobs available so there's no problem" dante said as he winked at some girls and they wave back

"That's not the point, you slack off, your irresponsible and you do nothing but flirt with woman whenever you get the chance" vergil said

Then Eden, Celeste and izumi arrived and sat at a table ignoring the bar "where is Angela she should be here by now" Eden said irritated

"If we know her she's probably dealing with a mishap" Celeste said "like always she seems to be running late Angela the wanderer" izumi chuckled lightly

"You know I feel kind of bad that Angela hasn't met her soulmates yet she did say she had 2 of them but there's really no telling when she'll meet them" Celeste said

"Knowing her she's probably trying to keep a smile on her face to hide the pain" Eden said "Your probably right" izumi said with a sigh

Vergil was growing even more annoyed as girls crowded around them and dante flirts with them "could you be anymore foolish" vergil said annoyed

"Come on vergil relax have fun there's gotta be something that will help you relax" dante said "like have a dance with one of the babes I'm sure they'll give you a good time" dante said

Vergil felt something close and held on to his sword yamato in case a devil was nearby someone walked into the bar wearing a hood

"Oh I think she just arrived" izumi said waving at her, Angela pulled down her hood and vergil saw her the devil inside him calling out mate

Angela walked over to the table her sisters were at "sorry I'm late I was a bit preoccupied with a little mishap" Angela said sitting with her back turned to vergil who had his eyes glued on her

"Figures" Eden, Celeste and izumi said in unison "come on stop it with that teasing you guys" Angela said with a pout on her face

"How are you going to get anywhere on Time when your always late" Eden said with a smirk on her face "when are you and jin finally getting married" Angela retorted

"She got you good Eden" Celeste chuckled drinking some of her gin and tonic Eden glared at Celeste "stop glaring at me I got 2 kids that need me at home so don't think about Killin me just yet" Celeste said with a chuckle

"Just wait" Eden said Angela chuckled lightly then felt a sudden shiver up her spine "something wrong Angela" izumi said noticing her shiver

"I feel like someone's watching me with intensity" Angela said Eden spotted vergil looking at her "ah I think someone is that guy behind you" Eden said

Angela looked over her shoulder and saw vergil looking at her with a heated gaze when they made eye contact her heart pounded

She quickly looked away blushing "what?" Eden, Celeste and izumi said "I..." Angela said holding her head with shock

Eden smirked "I think Angela just met one of her soulmates" Eden said Angela coughed on her drink as she covered her mouth trying to hide her blush

"What's with you vergil" dante said then glanced at the table vergil was looking at seeing Angela with her back turned Dante's inner demon calling out mate

Dante felt a shock through his system thinking he was probably imagining things "you felt it too didn't you" vergil said glancing at his brother

"Felt what" Dante said playing dumb "the pull to that girl there's something odd about her" vergil said "I'm sure it's nothing" Dante said now glancing at the table slightly curious about the girl wearing the hooded jacket

Angela feeling a bit uncomfortable "I think I'm gonna go wash up" Angela said as she went to go to the bathroom to wash her face

A guy grabbed her "hey pretty thing want to walk home with me tonight" the guy said obviously drunk Angela narrowed her eyes "I'm not interested" she said pulling her wrist out of his grip

He grabbed her again and she pulled harder causing her to trip as dante caught her at the bar "you ok?" dante said looking down at her

"Yeah I'm fi..." Angela cut herself off looking him straight in the eyes feeling her heart beat again she had just met both of her soulmates

To be continued...

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