family reunion part 1

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Dante and Vergil got dressed with Angela wanting to leave to go see her sisters she wanted them to personally meet her soulmates

"Your quite excited for us to meet your siblings" Vergil said as Angela turns and nodded with sparkles in her eyes "you really care for your siblings don't you" Dante asked

"I love them so much I don't want anything bad to happen to my family..." Angela said then suddenly fell silent thinking about her mother's sickness

This didn't go unnoticed by the brothers of course "you alright babe" Dante said snapping her out of her daze "huh...oh yeah I'm fine don't worry" Angela said

Vergil didn't believe her at all seeing she was keeping something from them as they kept walking until Dante spotted 5 figures "I'm seeing quadruple" Dante said blinking in disbelief

Vergil didn't believe her at all seeing she was keeping something from them as they kept walking until Dante spotted 5 figures "I'm seeing quadruple" Dante said blinking in disbelief

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The first to approach them was Celeste "Angela it's been awhile since our last visit" Celeste said giving Angela a big hug then looked at the boys with a smile

"So you both are her soulmates...I hope she hasn't caused too much trouble considering she tends to wander at times" Celeste said

Angela blushed immensely in embarrassment "Celeste!" Angela said embarrassed "hey guy's get over here Angela arrived with her soulmates

Ozzie and Olivia arrived first "hey it's you squirts again" Dante said "nice to see you again" Ozzie said "always the suck up" Olivia said making Ozzie groan in annoyance

Ozzie and Olivia arrived first "hey it's you squirts again" Dante said "nice to see you again" Ozzie said "always the suck up" Olivia said making Ozzie groan in annoyance

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"Ok you guys can't you get along for once Celeste I shouldn't be the one telling them this their your children" izumi said scolding Celeste who chuckled innocently

"Ok you guys can't you get along for once Celeste I shouldn't be the one telling them this their your children" izumi said scolding Celeste who chuckled innocently

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Last but not least was Eden who looked up at the towering men and scoffed "why do men like that have to be so freakishly tall" Eden said annoyed

"What is there something wrong with men who are tall" Angela said "their about the same height as my husband Brandon I don't see the problem" Celeste said

"That's because your used to seeing a giant everyday Angela has to deal with two giants" Eden said "I don't mind I love them just the way they are" Angela said

This made Dante smirk and Vergil let out a soft smile "So why are you guys here for a visit anyway" Angela asked curious

"We brought mom along with us she wanted to meet your soulmates too" Celeste said Angela seemed to be forcing a smile at this "oh great" she said

Dante's pov

I whispered to Vergil "does she seem to be acting a little strange to you" vergil looked at me with a side glance and looked back at Angela who was forcing a fake smile

"She's obviously not acting like her usual cheerful self I wonder why that is" I whispered "shh just observe" vergil said as another Angela look alike came except she looked much older and more mature

"She's obviously not acting like her usual cheerful self I wonder why that is" I whispered "shh just observe" vergil said as another Angela look alike came except she looked much older and more mature

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"Hello my gorgeous angel how are you doing today" she said hugging our mate "hey mom" she said looking like she forced a smile

'Why would she force a fake smile on her own mother I thought maybe at least she'd be happy to see her' I thought to myself curious about her odd behavior

Vergil's pov

I looked at our mate with a forced smile on her face as her mother hugged her 'something isn't right she isn't acting like her usual self' I thought to myself

I suppose my foolish brother is right to be concerned just seeing her face darken as her mother hugs her she knows something

Angela's pov

We all went out to a family restaurant and mom spoke to my soulmates "so boy's your her soulmates may I know your names please" mom said

"I'm Vergil and he's Dante" vergil said pointing at Dante "I guess I know where our angel got her good looks from now" Dante said trying to make me smile

I did smile a little bit with some blush on my face as well "your quite the flatterer aren't you Dante" mom said amused

"Only to her" Dante said with a wink at me "and what about you vergil" mom said "she is the only one I would take interest in" vergil said

"Looks like you've got a flirt and a gentleman as soulmates" Eden whispered loud enough so only I could hear her

"So has anything happened while my daughter has been here actually what happened on your first night here tell me Angela" mom said

"Well..." I said biting my lower lip trying to think of something "she was attacked by devils" vergil said casually "Vergil!" I said

"For some reason it's not very surprising considering Angela has managed to always get herself into some sort of trouble" mom said

"Mom!" I said embarrassed "yeah I remember the time you wandered out alone with yuuto following behind you just so you didn't get lost" izumi said

"Izumi!" I said embarrassed Ozzie gave me a small smile knowing he gets tortured by his sister as well just because he's the younger twin

He feels bad for me because I'm the youngest but sometimes the teasing can be a little overwhelming especially from my mom

"Well it's all fun and games" mom said "mom..." I said suddenly becoming stoic and serious my embarrassment gone from my face

"You still laugh and smile even though you're in that condition" I said "I don't suppose I know what you mean" mom said with an innocent closed eye smile

"You know exactly what I mean..." I said as the tension between me and mom grew as she gave a sigh and rubbed her forehead

"" I said pointing towards the exit doors as my soulmates watched me go towards the exit doors to talk to my mother in private

3rd person pov

"That was anticlimactic" Eden said "I think we should go and see what is going on secretly" izumi said as they all went discreetly outside to see what's going on with them

To be continued...

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