Project Time

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Sabrina's POV
After leaving Ethan's Jordan and I go back to his house. "You know we never worked on that science project." Jordan says as we walk into his room. I groan as I fall onto his bed. "Do we have to do it?" I say whining like a five year old. "Yep" he says popping the p. "Ugh what are we even gonna do?" I ask having no clue how to do a project on mitosis. "Well I was gonna take foam spheres and make them into the stages of mitosis. If that's okay with you of course." Jordan says. "No that sounds like a good idea wanna get started so we can spend time together later?" I ask. I really just want to cuddle with him and not work on the project but my grades matter so whatever. "Yeah let's go in the living room to work since there is a table." We walk to the living room which is just across the hall from his room. "So let's just go in order of the stages." Jordan says grabbing the foam balls and some paint. "First paint the outside pink then the middle yellow." I do just like Jordan said and pain every ball like that. We wait about five minutes for them to dry then get back to work.
"Now the chromosomes go here" jordan says pointing to a spot on the cell. "And we are done." He says after I glue it on. "Finally!" I say a little to loudly. "Oh come on babe you didn't enjoy science with me?" He ask sounding a little worried. "No there's just other things I'd rather do with you." I say smirking. "Oh really like what?" Jordan ask coming over closer to me. "Well we could umm cuddle or we could umm." I don't really know what to say but anything besides science would be great right now. "We could have a tickle fight." Jordan says and jumps on top in me and starts tickling me. "No Jordan stop.... Stop.... Stop" I say in between laughter. "If you want me to stop you have to say Jordan is the best and most sexiest boyfriend ever." Jordan says smirking. "Jordan.... most... Sexiest...boyfriend...ever." I finally get out of my mouth. "And don't you forget it." Jordan says laughing. I start laughing too. His laugh his so contagious the way his face brightens up and he smiles bigger than normal. Once I finally stop laughing I realize Jordan is still above me. I'm about to ask what he's doing when he leans in and kisses me. As the kiss gets more passionate I bury my finger in his hair pulling him closer to me. This isn't like our other kisses this is hot, passionate, and sexy. Jordan starts to tug at my shirt trying to ask if he can take it off. I simply nod even though I know she shouldn't. Something about this kiss has me in a trace where I'm not in control of my own body. I reach up and lift Jordan's shirt over his head. I slowly run my hands over his abs. Jordan reaches behind my back and try's to unclog my bra. As he undoes the clip something snaps in my mind. "Jordan I'm not ready. I'm sorry." I say sitting up buttoning my bra back. "I umm yeah umm it's fine im sorry. I started it sorry." He says pulling his shirt back on. I grab my shirt and pull it on. "Can I stay here tonight and we go over the presentation for our project that we have to do tomorrow?" I ask. I really hope he says yes I need to talk to him about what just happened. "Yeah of course." Jordan says laying down on the couch. I put my head on his shoulder and look up at him. "Can we talk?" I ask nervously. "Umm sure what about." He says turning to look at me. "I just wanted to talk about what happened earlier." I say looking down. "Oh" I don't even have to look up at him to hear the disappointment in his voice. "I need you to know that I love you. But I'm not ready to go that far. I've promised my parents and myself things that I don't want to break. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed what just happened but I'm not ready Jordan and I'm sorry." I say finally getting the courage to look at him. He meets my eyes and I see the worry in his eyes. "Sabrina I love you too but if you were thinking we were gonna have sex I wouldn't go the far. I've made promises to people too and I want to wait. I don't know what happened something took over and I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry I shouldn't have went as far as I did." He says sorrow all through his voice. "We should do something happy now because after that I'm getting ready to cry." I say with tears in my eyes as I laugh. "How are you laughing and crying at the same time?!" Jordan says laughing. Which just makes me laugh more. "I'm special like that okay?!" I respond kinda sassy. "Yes you are special." He says and kisses me quickly. "Jordan can we just cuddle and watch tv?" I ask moving back into his shoulder. "Of course he says and takes me into his arms.

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