You're mine

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Sabrina POV

Jordan and I have decided to go to the movies today. We are going to see Avengers. Once we are dressed we leave for the theater. Still having about 20 minutes before the movie we stop and get frozen yogurt. Jordan get chocolate with more chocolate toppings. I get a bunch can of different fruity toppings on vanilla frozen yogurt. I pull out some cash from my bag to pay but Jordan has already payed for it. "Really I never get to pay when we go on dates." I say as we go and sit down. "I know I'm being a gentlemen." Jordan says smirking. We finish eating and head to the theater, where again Jordan pays for everything.

"Dude that movie was awesome!" Jordan says smiling. "Yeah it was. I liked the part where they tried to pick up Thor's hammer." I say back to him. He looks at me kinda surprised I knew what I was talking about. "Most girls hate those movies." He says. "Not me I love marvel movies." I say smiling at him. Jordan goes and gets the popcorn refilled for us to take home while I go to the bathroom. As I come out I see Jordan still getting a refill. I start to walk towards him when I see someone I never thought I would see again. "Sabrina!" I hear him tell. Wow his voice sounds just the way it did when I left. His dark blond hair that's almost brown looks the same way it always has. He comes over to me. "Oh my God what are you doing here? How are you?" He ask. "Well I moved here a couple months ago and I'm good. Why are you here?" I ask. "Oh I was just coming to visit my aunt and uncle while my parents were out of town. I can't believe I ran into you I've been wondering where you moved to." He says stepping even closer to me. "Matthew what are you doing?" I say as I step backwards towards the wall with him stepping forward towards me again. I go to step back more but feel myself pressed against a wall. "Why can't we go back to what we had?" He ask. "Matthew we weren't even dating. We both had a crush on each other that's it we never did anything. What are you talking about?" I say. "See that's the thing Sabrina I want you. I want you so bad." He says putting his hand on my cheek. I try to move but I'm frozen in place. "Matthew I..." I'm trying to tell him I have a boyfriend when he leans in and kisses me. It's a soft but passionate kiss. I don't feel the Sparks like I do with Jordan but it still feels amazing. That's when something snaps in the back of my mind. I start to try and push him away from me. He grabs my hands and pins them to the wall. "Oh come on Sabrina you know you wanna kiss back." He says leaning in to kiss me again. This time as soon as his lips touch mine I hear someone calling my name. "Sabrina! Sabrina what the hell?" Oh my gosh it's Jordan. Jordan comes and pulls Matthew off of me. "Really Sabrina I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you start kissing another guy. What the fuck?!" He says angrier than I've ever seen him. "Jordan it wasn't my fault he kissed me and pinned me against the wall." I say trying to defend myself. "Really that's what your gonna say? Because it could never be Sabrina's fault!" He says loudly. "Jordan I can show you the marks on my arms from where he pinned my hands down when I was trying to push him away! Why don't you believe me?!" I say almost in tears. Jordan looks down at my wrist then back up at me. "Oh my god I'm such a dick. I'm sorry Sabrina I just freaked out when I saw you kissing another guy. You are mine and the fact that someone was basically stealing you from me crushed me." He says to me. Then he turns to Matthew. "Now for you. First off who the hell do you think you are kissing my girlfriend?!" Jordan says clenching his hands into fist. "Oh she has a boyfriend she forgot to mention that." Matthew says smirking. Jordan turns to me and gives me a look as if asking if it's true. "How was I supposed to anytime I tried to talk you would push me harder into the wall and kiss me! And I tried to tell you about Jordan before you kissed me for your information!" I say back. "Can you do all of us and your self a favor and stay away from Sabrina?" Jordan says grabbing my hand. "That's only if that's what Sabrina wants." Matthew says starring at me with those eyes that could kill. He could always get me to do whatever he wanted just by looking at me. "I want you to go." I say looking down. "Why won't you look at me?" He says. I can hear the smirk in his voice. "I just don't want to. Come on Jordan lets go." I say pulling Jordan to the car. Once we get in the car Jordan asked the question I knew he would. "Sabrina who was that?" He ask. "that was Matthew he used to be my best friend. Then I moved." I say. "Oh why did he kiss you?"

* "Come on Sabrina hurry up!" Matthew whisper yells. "I quietly put my shoes on and climb out the window. Thankfully I'm on the first floor. We run to get in Matthews car which is hard for me in heels and a blue sequined party dress. Once we make it to the car Matthew drives down the road to where the party is. We get out and go sit by the lake with all the other kids. "Let's play truth or dare!" Everyone sits around in a circle and we start. "Sabrina truth or dare?" Some kid that I don't know ask me. "Truth" I respond "is it true you like Matthew?" I feel myself blush and nod my head. "Is that a yes?" The kid ask. "Yes it is a yes." I say blushing even harder. "Truth or dare Josiah." He chooses dare and I dare him to jump in the lake. Which he does gladly. I feel Matthew take my hand and stand up. Following his lead I stand up too. He leads me onto a pier by the side of the lake people aren't at. "So you like me?" Matthew says with his hands still holding mine. "Yeah I do but I know you don't like me so it's fine. Let's just pretend I never said anything and you take me home before the night gets even worse." I say. "What if I told you I liked you too." He says putting his hand on my chin pushing my face up gently so I look into his eyes. "Because I do" he starts to lean in when I step back. "Matthew I'm sorry I'm just not ready to have my first kiss yet." I say. "It's fine I understand. Besides I'm 3 years older than you so your parents would kill me." He says smiling. He pulls me into a hug then picks me up. "Let's get you home before they really do kill me." He drives me home and right before I get out of the car he kisses my cheek. I climb back in my window and change into my pajamas.**

"That was one of the last times I saw him. I guess he wanted to continue what we started." I say looking up at Jordan. "Well just remember your mine and no one else's." He says kissing me lightly.

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