Ice-Cream incident

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[Earth 4205]

Alright people, let's do this one more time.

My names Y/N L/N and I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the past 7 months I've been the one and only Spider-Man, I know cool right?

For most of my life I grew up in New Jersey but after my parents died I got moved up to New-York to live with my Aunt Mai and my Uncle Denny, it was hard at first but now I've got my powers and I think I've met someone I really like, like really really like..

"Y/N, Wake up!"

My eyes zoomed open as I heard my best-friend yell out towards me..ah just another normal day of falling asleep in physics class and getting woken up by the world's most annoying person

"Yeah yeah, Stacy give me just five more minutes" I said, waving my left hand in the air to shoo my friend away but he wouldn't listen

"Oh no, don't you 'Stacy' me, C'mon get your fat ass up" He remarked as I felt his hand grabbing onto my arm to pull me out of my chair.
"It's muscle and you know it.." I replied as I was dragged from my seat

"Sure it is, C'mon Y/n I found this wicked ice-cream place downtown and I think you'd like it" He playfully said, my eyes lit up as he mentioned the Ice-Cream..

"You had me convinced at Ice-Cream, hurry up let's go..seriously my aunt gonna kill me if I'm late to her party later" I said as I threw the strap of my back over my shoulder and pushed in my desk chair

"Oh yeah she's getting promoted to Captain right? Good for her" He smiled before grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him

"Yeah and it's all she's been talking about for days, on my way home I gotta pick up a cake and all so let's make this quick" I replied and Stacy just rolled his eyes before asking

"Oh yeah right, am I invited to that party? Or did I just waste all my time getting close to you?" He sarcastically asked before letting go of my wrist and starting to walk beside me instead of infront of me

"Yeah you can come as long as you bring your dad with you" I joked and Stacy started gagging in response

"No way, I swear the day you stop having a hard on for my dad is the day I can finally rest" He said with a light smile as he looked over towards me...its not your dad I have the hard on for-

"I guess you'll never be able to rest then-" I said before getting rudely interupted by some screaming lady

"There's a weirdo destroying the new ice-cream place!! Wheres Spider-Man wheb you need him?!" She yelled out in distress, dramatically waving around her arms like she would die without the new Ice-Cream place

"Oh shit" Stacy mumbled under his breath, he slowly turned to look and me and I reluctantly nodded at him...of course I'm the one who has to save the Ice-Cream joint...remind me to never invite Stacy to the blunt rotation...

"Yeah yeah I know" I sighed before backing up into an alley, I ripped off my Jordans as carefully as I could while I also took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in just my Spidey Suit

I took my mask from my pocket and slipped it on along with my gloves and web-shooters...A massive thank you to Mr Stacy for making me webshooters, love ya man

I run out from the alley way and towards the Ice-Cream joint and see the one and only Doc-Ock holding a mint choc chip cone in one of his robot tentacle thingies...ew

He hovered over the now half destroyed building, turning to stare at me though his dark goggles that honestly just looked very unflattering

"Seriously Ock? Stealing Ice-Cream now...what happened to destroying the city?" I joked as I went towards him and the destroyed building, "And of course you're a mint choc chip liker.."

Doc Ock simply grunted in response then shoved the entire cone into his mouth...he's seriously deep-throating that ice-cream? Mad respect..but giving me the silent treatment? Asshole behaviour

"Speak up Ocky I can't hear you!" I yelled out before using my Web to grab onto one of his robot tentacle thingies, I jump onto his back and use my Web to tie up two of his tentacles

"Not fighting back? Ocky I expected better from you...wait there's something different about you, did you change your hair?" I playfully joked about his hair change by seriously...something wasn't right about this Doc Ock...he's not my ocky!!

He was clearly upset by the mention of his fucked hair and swung his arm back to try and swat me off of him like I was a fly..hey I'm a spider not a fly you fucker!!

The ocka docs large metal tentacles swing around him like some fucked up carnival ride, absolutely obliterating all of the nearby buildings and sending people flying so I had to use my webs to lasso up a bunch of people...does this guy think we're cowboy spiderman?

"Okay Ock, Calm down and we can talk about this like reasonable people..or whatever you are" I said, taking another second to look at how messed up Doc Ock looked..seriously he looked like a fucked raisin

I swung around and used my Web to tie up the Ock once again, Looping his tentacle things around eachother so he looked like a terribly wrapped Christmas present

I jumped down from off his back and onto the ground where people immediately began getting close to me and yelling

"Thank you Spider-Man!"
"Spider-Man you're so cool!"
"Spider-Man please fuck me and my wife!"
..nobody said that last one, stop hearing things you creep

"Thank you everyone, thank you really" I said, blowing out kisses to the large crowd of people who were glad to have some ice-creamy justice served...damn now I want some ice-cream

Out of nowhere the crowd started gasping and slapping their hands over their mouths...oh no did I get bricked up again? Fuck twitter is not gonna forgive me for this again..

"Spider-Man look out!"

"Huh?" I said confused, something left like it was tugging on the fabric of my Spidey Suit from above so I looked up only to be met with a huge gaping hole...not the gaping hole I wanted to see today but oh well

"Shit is that normal around here?" I jokingly muttered before the hole got larger and it felt like it was tugging at me harder.
People looked more worried as time went on, things on the ground around where I was started levitating and hovering near the hole

"Huh I really am getting sucked of today.." I mumbled to myself before the hole actually started floating me off of the ground too

"Wait wait I was joking!" I yelled out as the hole got closer...and closer...and

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