How could you ?

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I got dressed and went in the living room the guests had started to come some were my friends and some were Zayn's everyone came slowly and our apartment was filling up

My mind was wondering and worried  about where was Zayn and why hasn't he came yet cause the party idea was his and he's the one who's late

I greeted everyone who came with a warm and welcoming smile then getting a bit tired went to get a drink for myself to make me feel relaxed a bit

Zayn wasn't back till now making me a bit worried and angry about him

Everybody else was here chatting, drinking and enjoying themselves  including the boys

"what's wrong S" said Tay grabbing a drink for her self

I gulped down my shot of vodka making my throat burn a bit and  making me feel a bit relaxed

"It's nothing I'm just thinking why hasn't Zayn came home till now" I was really starting to worry about him and wanted to call him

"Maybe something came up I know he'll be here soon so don't worry S" she hugged me tightly and then went to chat with some guys

After a while Perrie walked in wearing a white Tight fitting short dress and high heels her hair was in a French braid

She looked at me and smiled then went to chat with some guests I really hated her she was the reason me and Zayn almost broke up

But yet she still has the guts to come to our party and look me in the eye and smile

I had a few more Vodka shots It made me feel a bit tipsy but I wasn't drunk

Zayn came after 1 hour He was wearing all black and looked irresistible

He was supposed to be here at 8 o clock and instead came at 9 o clock He looked at me apologeticly and smiled 

He kissed me on my cheek softly and grabbed a drink for himself

"Sorry babe I got caught up in something"

I smiled and said "It's okay"

After that "Sorry S but we kind of need Zayn right now" Louis said

The boys dragged him away from me pulling and pushing each other Zayn mouthed Sorry and disappeared with them

I saw Zedd and walked towards him "Hey Zedd what's up" I said

"Nothing just trying to spot a cute girl" he winked at me and we both laughed

"Zedd if you leave it to me I could find you the best girlfriend you could ever have" I smirked at him and laughed 

He blushed looking away from me I have said this to him a couple of times but he doesn't listen and ignores my offer for god knows what reason

"I actually like someone S and I really wanna tell her but I don't know what will she say"

Aww Zedd likes someone My best friend actually likes someone I hugged him tightly and jumped up in down in excitement

"Yay! Zedd finally you like someone I'm so happy for you but who is she?"

He started telling me about her and where he saw her the first time but refused to tell me her name even after I practically begged him to tell me

He said I can meet her tomorrow if she says Yes

Tay walked toward us "Hey guys what are you talking about" I smiled and hugged Tay

Never leave forever (Zayn Malik + Selena Gomez love story) Where stories live. Discover now