Im done with you

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After a day staying at the hospital we got discharged and everyone was still here Eleanor and Danielle were fighting over Elsa that who gets to carry her the whole ride home "for gods sake just flip a coin and decide" Zedd said to Danielle and Eleanor and they did as they were told Eleanor won and they're fight was over me

It wasn't a long ride home when We got home I went and fell on the couch exhausted everyone was busy with Elsa so that meant I had to make something for everyone to eat

It took me half in hour to make everyone burgers after that I called everyone and took Elsa from Taylor so she could eat something "hey baby how r u" I kissed her on the cheek she was so adorable I went upstairs so I could show her the nursery that everyone helped create

it was beautiful the walls were baby pink and the drawers were red with white polka dots the room was filled with stuffed animals and a big doll house that Taylor got her as a gift the crib was in the corner it was peachy and had the softest mattress for my baby girl

It was time for her to sleep so I sat on the rocking chair near the window and rocked her to sleep it only took me 15 minutes after that I put her in her crib and turned the baby monitor on and put it near her crib and took the other one with me

When I got downstairs everyone was finished but they left me one I ate mine and then we all started to talk "I know you heard about Zayn" Taylor said to me "I know it's really hard for you right now S and I'm going to be here for you if you need anything I just think this time you shouldn't forgive him quickly" "I know Tay and I'm not I haven't talk to him or texted him or anything even I don't care this time Elsa is more important to me then anything" I said and then we both hugged each other tightly "your strong I know" Tay said then

we talked about maybe going shopping tomorrow for Elsa and our selfs "and maybe you should go back to writing songs your fans miss you and your songs and especially your voice" Tay said "yeah I'm going to call my manager today maybe I can do an interview to let all my fans know I'm back" I said happily we talked a bit more then the bell rang

"Sit down everyone I'll get it" I said I went and opened it and it was the boys Louis who was at the front yelled "SELENA" and hugged me tightly "I missed you" he said "I miss you too" I said hugging him back all the boys hugged me tightly and then at the last was Zayn who wanted to hug me but I put my hand on his chest "stay away from me" I hissed at him and then went and sat next to Tay everyone was happy to see the boys after that I heard Elsa crying through the baby monitor "I'll go Check up on her" I said and ran upstairs

I went to her room and saw that she was wide awake "hey my baby your awake I hope you slept well" I cooed to her and then carried her in my arms "let's go downstairs so that all the boys can meet you" I said to her I came downstairs and Louis ran up to me "oh my god she's adorable S what's her name and can I please carry her" he said "I named her Elsa and yeah here you can Carry her" I said I gave Elsa to Louis carefully after that One by one all the boys got to hold her but before Zayn could hold her I grabbed her from Harry "I think so she's hungry I'll come back with her soon" and went upstairs with her

I went and sat in the rocking chair in Elsa's room and was breastfeeding her I saw that Zayn was standing near the door but I ignored him after Elsa was finished I cleaned her up and put her in her crib I went to Zayn "why are you here I don't want you anywhere near me or Elsa you cheater" I half yelled half whispered at him "stay here I'm coming back" I said then I grabbed Elsa and went downstairs I gave her to Louis and then went back upstairs to Zayn

"You lost both of us after you cheated" I said to him "Sel please listen to me I was really drunk that night please don't do this" he said pleadingly "well that's what you said last time Zayn how many times are you going to do this to me" I said "I'm done I'm just done with you"

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