Starting my career again

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"Please Sel don't do this to me I love you a lot and Elsa" Zayn said pleadingly it looked like he was about to cry "look Zayn I'm never going forgive you but maybe just for Elsa you can stay in the guest room for now but after a few days were going to have to talk about this seriously" I said keeping my tone as calm as possible then went downstairs without saying or hearing anything else

Tay came up to me as soon as she saw "hey are you ok S" she said "yeah I'm fine never been better" I said then hugged her after that she went and cuddled next to Harry

Louis and Eleanor were leaving to see Alex who was at home with the babysitter he was extremely adorable and he was 2 months older then Elsa Louis hugged me before leaving "take care S we'll see each other soon" then left "hey S if don't have a problem maybe you could drop off Elsa at our house tomorrow so she and Alex can get to know each other I know there just babies but still it will be cute" and then she hugged me "yeah sure that's an amazing plan" and they left

Liam and Danielle left too Liam hugged me and said "bye S and take care" and left "take care S and be strong everything will be alright" said Danielle and then hugged me tightly I fell on the couch Harry and Tay decided to go home later and Zedd and Arianna also decided to go home later

Harry said "I know S it's really hard for you and I wanna tell you that....that night was just crazy Zayn was just really extremely drunk the next morning he didn't even remember what happened and how that girl was.... sleeping next to him I'm really sorry about everything I should have stopped him I should have done something but I was distracted with the other boys I'm really really extremely sorry S" he sounded really sad and then he covered his face with both his hands I went and sat next to him and put my hand on his back "it's not your fault Harry and please don't be upset about this Zayn should have been responsible knowing that he's married and that his wife was pregnant you Louis and Liam were responsible we don't see you guys breaking the heart of the girl you love so much so please don't be upset" and I hugged him

after that everyone said something "I think you shouldn't let him off the hook so easily this time S" Tay said "yeah he should know and be punished for cheating on you so just let him be" Arianna said "I think you should just avoid him as much as possible and Just ignore him for a while" Zedd said "but he was really broken after knowing he cheated on you he always cried at night knowing that he cheated on you and that he had to miss Elsa's birth" Harry said it sounded like he was trying to defend Zayn which was nice but I just didn't wanna hear anything about this from anyone I got up and looked at everyone "guys just leave please and let's just forget it and talk about something else how about we watch a movie" everyone nodded and I went to get the popcorn

Zayn came downstairs and sat on the couch next to Harry everyone was staring at him in disgust except for Harry I went and gave the bowl of popcorn to Harry and then went back to the kitchen to get the other bowl and I gave it to Zedd I sat as far as possible from Zayn we were watching a romantic comedy movie

The movie was half finished when my phone rang in my back pocket I got and took it out and mouthed to Everyone "sorry" and then went to the kitchen I picked it up and it was my manager "Selena darling how are you I got your email and guess what I have the best way for you to announce to the fans your comeback" she said excitedly "I'm fine thanks Maria ok well what is it" I asked sweetly and curiously "well you'll have to come to my office tomorrow for you to know" she said "ok then Maria I'll see you tomorrow but at what time" I asked "be here at 9 am sharp" and then he hung up I have a feeling that after tomorrow my life is going to be wonderful again maybe not perfect but still wonderful

Never leave forever (Zayn Malik + Selena Gomez love story) Where stories live. Discover now