getting ready to move out

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After shopping so much me and Tay decided to go to starbucks and sit down and have a nice cup of coffee "so what did you decide about Zayn and you" Tay asked

"I don't know what I'm going to do I mean if it was just me and him I would have decided by now but whatever decision now that we make will effect Elsa too" I said

"S you're going to have to make a decision sooner or later I just hope when you do that it would be good one" Tay said

"what do you think I should right now" I said

"hmm I had an idea what if you move back to your house at the beach I mean before all of this when you knew you were pregnant and you didn't want Zayn in your life Didn't you make a room for Elsa and everything" Tay said

"oh my god I completely forgot yeah I did" I said "oh Tay thank you sooo much for giving me the best idea" I said

"you're welcome and I am your best friend so i would want you to be happy no matter what" Tay said

"But actually there is a problem my house is incompletely like I still have everything I bought for Elsa's room at my house but I never got the time to complete it" I said sadly thinking of everything that had happened to me that time

"well we still have a lot of time in our hands and we also have a lot of stuff of Elsa's that we bought today let's go and complete her room so you can move back as soon as possible" Tay said

"Okay lets go" I said happily maybe whatever is happening right now is for my own good and maybe staying away from Zayn will help me make a better decision

******HALF HOUR LATER******

we reached my house and were getting all the stuff from my car to the house when I unlocked the door the house smelled like Vanilla which was perfect it had been so long since i had been here it felt so good to come here again i didnt realize till now that i actually missed this place alot

"so are you ready to get to work" Tay said excitedly

"I was born ready" I said and we both laughed we took all of my stuff to my room then we took all of Elsa's stuff to her room

the crib was the side of the room that i built so long ago it was beige in color and had a really soft mattress and white blanket her dressing table was next to the window which was pink I kind of knew that it was going to be girl and even if she wasnt i would have just painted it green the paint that i bought for the room were in the corner with paint brushes and stuffed animals were in the other corner

"so lets start with painting the room then we can arrange the stuffed animals and then we can put the clothes we bought her in her dressing table what do you think?" I said

"yeah thats a great idea lets get started" Tay said

we opened the pink can of paint and and put the light green one on the side I started painting one side of the wall and Tay the other

"hey remember when me and you painted Elsa's room at Zayn's house and got paint all over ourselfs" I said and we both laughed "yeah i do remember that day" Tay said

"hey do you remember when me you and Zedd use to come her late at night and watch movies, gossip, play games like truth or dare and scare each other"Tay said

"yeah I do remember does times like it was yesterday" I said

"well i was thinking once you move in here maybe me and Zedd and you do that again" Tay said

"Yeah we should that's a wonderful idea and I was thinking if you guys can come and help me with moving tomorrow" I said nervously

"S we are always here to help you. You know that right don't rry I'll tell Zedd today he can call some people to help you move and maybe me and him will stay here with you and Elsa tomorrow night" Tay said

I put my brush down and hugged her "thank you so much Tay for everything" i said and Tay hugged me tighter "no problem S" It took us 2 hours to get everything done

"woah its 3 pm I think so we should get going and anyways everything is done here" I said

"yeah lets go I'll go get our stuff I'll be out in a minute" Tay said

I started the car and brought it up front Taylor came out with our handbags and phones "you got everything" I asked her

"yeah and i was thinking maybe on the way we should get boxes" Tay said

"ok sure" I said and drove

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