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Lena woke up feeling terrible, but she didn't want to miss another day of school. She hoped that she could make it through the day without anyone noticing that she was sick. But as soon as she walked into class, she knew she was wrong. Her stomach was turning and she could barely focus on anything her teacher was saying. And then it happened - Lena ran to the bathroom, violently vomiting and passing out in a locked stall.

It didn't take long for the teachers to become concerned. Elizabeth was Lena's best friend, and they asked her to go check on her. Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, but then went to the bathroom to look for Lena. When she knocked on the stall door and received no answer, Elizabeth looked under the stall and saw Lena's limp body.

Elizabeth crawled under the stall and pulled Lena out. She tried to wake her up, and after a few moments, Lena stirred. Elizabeth put her arm around Lena and walked her to the nurse, but Lena was unable to hold back and vomited again, causing her to pass out right in Elizabeth's arms. Elizabeth lifted Lena up and yelled for help.

The nurse quickly called 911 and they waited for the ambulance to arrive. Lena's parents came to the school after being informed of their daughter's condition. Lena was still feeling dizzy and nauseated when she saw them, but their presence was a comfort to her. When Lena woke up again, she was in the ambulance and still feeling sick. She vomited again, choking on it and stopped breathing, causing everyone to panic.

The paramedics worked quickly to revive Lena, and luckily, she began breathing again. Lena's parents were by her side the entire time, holding her hand and praying that she would be okay. Lena was taken to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a severe case of food poisoning.

Lena's recovery was slow, but she was grateful to have so many people by her side. Elizabeth stayed with her throughout the hospital stay, bringing her books and snacks to keep her entertained. Lena learned an important lesson about listening to her body and staying home when she was sick. She also realized how lucky she was to have such caring friends and family.


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