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"I don't know how to put this, but.....the problem Is coming from you"

Jungkook and jimin looked at each other, then back at Namjoon.

"Who?" Jungkook asked.


Jikook's eyes widen.

"W..What?? Me??? How!?!" Jimin asked clueless.

"I believe it's from the countless abortion you've done by pills"


Jungkook's heartbeat increased while jimin gasped, recalling everything then he bowed his head in shame and fear.

"The pills seems to have side effects. And this is the side effect. It'll wear off but I'm not sire when, it might take months or even years before you'll be able to get pregnant" Namjoon finished.

"T..Thank you Namjoon. We'll leave now"

Jungkook stated calmly then stood up and stormed our of the room and that's when jimin sobbed out.

"Why did you tell him!!!" Jimin cried.

"Oh. He didn't know? I'm so s-"

"It's okay anyway. I'll leave now" jimin sniffed then stood up and rushed out.


All the way back home, jungkook was silent, the only noise in the car was the sound of jimin sobbing lowly.

They finally arrived and got into the house, Jungkook harshly loosened his tie then threw it somewhere before running a hand through his hair.

"How many times???"

Jungkook asked calmly.

"Jungkook please, I'm sure you know why I did it!!! I was a model before we got married and I still am. I didn't want to ruin my bod y back then, I was and still am so perfect and I had no choice!" Jimin cried.

Jungkook chuckled bitterly.

"That's not what I asked you jimin. I asked you, how many times have you done it!?!"

Jimin gulped.

"F...five" he stuttered.

Jungkook sucked In air then shut his eyes tightly.

"Five kids. All gone! W..when did you do it??!"

"Two Yeats after we got married I did it three times, then the remaining two was our seven years anniversary"

Jungkook stared at jimin.

"Wow jimin. You don't even feel ashamed, you're just saying rubbish confidently. If you knew you didn't want kids then why did you marry me!?! You know how much I love children and this Is what you did!?!"

"I...I'm sorry Jungkook. Please forgive me"

Jungkook exhaled, trying to calm himself down.

He took his car keys them rushed out of the house, ignoring jimin's loud pleading and sobbing.



Jungkook downed his fifth shot in one go, then groaned at the burn.

He kept mumbling curses at jimin and their marriage while sipping a glass of water to keep him sober enough to drive back home.


He turned to his side to see a gorgeous hot boy staring at him with Innocent eyes.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked.

The boy smiled.

"I'm Kim Taehyung"

Jungkook immediately fell for his smile and aura.

"Why are you over here drinking alcohol like a loner?" Taehyung asked curiously.

Jungkook snorted.

"I'm not the only one here drinking am I ?"

Taehyung giggled.

"I know but you have a mixed expression on your face. You're angry and sad"

Jungkook chuckled bitterly.

"Yes I am. I'm sure Any married man that just found out something horrible about his wife will feel exactly the same way I do"

Taehyung's eyes widen a bit.

"You're married?? I..I didn't know that. Yo..you look so young"

"Thank you for the compliment"

Taehyung hummed unsurely.

"Did you find out something horrible about your wife?"

Taehyung asked.


"Is it too personal if I ask what you found out?"

"Yes it is" Jungkook said then sipped the water.

"Oh. *pout*"

Jungkook sighed, deceived NY Taehyung's cute face.

"He had countless abortions behind my back"

Tae frowned.


"Yes. I'm married to a man. Problem??"

"Uhh no. I'm gay myself. I'm just surprised that you call him wife, instead of husband"

Jungkook chuckled.

"I find it cute"

"I didn't get your name"

"It's Jungkook"

Tae hummed.

"What's your wife's name?"


Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Park jimin???"


How does Taehyung know jimin???


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