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"I am not!!! If it's anyone's fault it's Jungkook's!!! He knew he was married yet he still agreed to sleep with me!!! He still did some other things with me knowing that he was married!!! Why didn't he end our relationship before it went overboard!?! I only agreed to be with him because I love him!!! What do you all have to blame only me!?! I bet you all didn't know that jimin cheated on jungkook too with Yoongi!!!"


Jungkook frowned then let go of Somi to walk in front of taehyung.


"Yes! He cheated with Yoongi but you all didn't know! I heard him talking to yoongi about some sex they had! I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to break the little relationship bond you had when I came in but it's getting too much! Everyone is blaming me for everything, I'm not the only villain in this! Jungkook is a villain! Jimin is also a villain! We all don't deserve each other! We're all cheaters!!!"

"He cheated on me??? On that fucking yoongi boy!?!"

"Shut up Jungkook!!! You have no rights to be angry at him because you also cheated on me!!! I know how jimin felt!!! You constantly gave him excuses to be with me and he just felt deprived of pleasure and he was feeling sad!!! You cheated on him first!!! So don't just say a word!!!"

Taehyung finished then stormed upstairs while angrily wiping his tears.

Somi looked at jungkook then scoffed before going upstairs too.

Jungkook ran his hand through his hair.

"I need to find jimin fast"


"Soooo how was your date? Did you guys use condom?" Jimin wiggled his brows.

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha very funny" he said sarcastically.

"*Giggle* tell me!!!" Jimin whined.

"It went well. But we didn't have sex"

Jimin pouted.


"Whatever kid. I'm going to bed" yoongi said then stood up from the couch and lazily walked upstairs.

Jimin scoffed.



"Good morning!!!" Jimin beamed as he saw yoongi walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning chim! What are you doing?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm cooking! Obviously" he rolled his eyes.

"When did you learn how to cook American dishes?"

"I didn't" jimin said, stiring the spaghetti in the pot.

"Damn" he mumbled.

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