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Jimin exhaled before pressing the call button on his laptop.
(Video call)

Few rings later, it was answered and he saw taehyung's shocked face on the screen.

They stared at each other for a while before taehyung broke it.


Jimin nodded.

"Jungkook gave me your number through the letter"

"What letter?"

Taehyung frowned.

"Forget about that. I heard you're pregnant. Congratulations"

Taehyung smiled a little.

"Thank you"

Jimin hummed.

"I'm sorry jimin"
Tae apologized.

"I'm sorry too, for making you loose your baby. And what are you apologizing for? For Stealing my place in Jungkook's life? or lying to jungkook about what happened in Highschool? or for what you did to me in Highschool? Which one?" Jimin asked calmly.

Taehyung looked down.

"For everything. I'm really sorry chim--"

"Don't call me that"

Taehyung sighed.

"I.... I'll come clean to jungkook tomorrow I promise. Please come back home"

"Why should I? So we'll start fighting again? Or so you'll rub it on my face that you're pregnant and I'm not?"

"No jimin. Please, I'm really sorry. I want my best friend back. I miss you alot. I...I admit that at first I wanted to make you suffer by using Jungkook but In the process, I fell in love with him, then I felt bad for you jimin. I wanted to end things with jungkook before my feelings go too far and that's when I found out that I was pregnant with his child and I couldn't just be a single mother so I had to tell him, he had the rights to know. I thought he wouldn't accept it because he was married to you but he ended up being so happy about it and I couldn't just leave with his child after he was so happy about it and......*sniff* I'm really sorry jimin. I broke the relationship you had with jungkook for years just because I was being selfish, I didn't think about your feelings in the process. I'm so sorry" he cried.

Jimin stared at the laptop screen with teary eyes then he quickly wiped it before it fell out.

"Why were you jealous of me Taehyung? I loved you alot and you had to do that to me. Did you even know that I was going to turn down jackson because I was in love with you in Highschool? Did you!?! You didn't even wait to hear what I had to say and you just humiliated me in front of everyone! My dad never felt so poor after I told him what happened! My dad blamed it on himself for not working hard enough to be as rich as your dad but now look! Your father is a drunkard and you mom works in a bar! Where's the business your father was flaunting about before!?! It was taken away from him because of the debts he owed! Why were you jealous tae!?! I had nothing compared to you before so why!?!"
Jimin cried.

Taehyung buried his face in his palms, sobbing.

"I....I loved you too jimin. I was just jealous! I thought you would agree on the date so to save myself from breaking down I had to do something so you won't say anything back and that's what I could come up with. I'm sorry please forgive me!"

Jimin wiped his tears again and sniffed.

"You loved me?"

Taehyung nodded.

"I never stopped jimin. I love you alot. My feelings just had to spark back when I saw you again"

Jimin remained silent.

"Jimin please come back home. We'll sort it out with jungkook. I'll tell him the whole truth about what happened"

"You can tell him everything without me. I'm done taehyung, I can't take anymore pain! I don't want to go back"

"No jimin you can't just give up like that. Please come back, we'll all live happily together, we won't fight anymore I promise"

"You're still thinking about your happiness taehyung. You were not meant to be in my relationship but you still want to. I don't love you anymore taehyung, that was all in school, not anymore. I found my happiness in Jungkook like I did with you but you broke my trust and Jungkook did too. I know I cheated on jungkook one time with Yoongi but I was just hurt that he didn't have time for me again so I had to do that to get my mind off of it. I don't want to do this anymore"

"No no jimin. Don't do this, we love you. Jungkook and I love you alot, you don't know. Please come back hom--"

*Beep beep beep*

Jimin hung up then buried his face in his palms, sobbing loudly.
Letting go of all the tears he held in for months.

(The other side)

Taehyung abruptly stopped talking once jimin hung up.

He started sobbing and crying, his hormones adding on to it again.

"I'm sorry" he sobbed in his palms.


After crying for what felt like hours, jimin fell asleep on his bed, lights still on and his laptop still on.

Yoongi walked into the room to tell jimin goodnight and found him on the bed so he walked to him and helped him close his laptop after shutting it off, he then placed it on the nightstand and correctly tucked jimin on the bed then kissed his forehead.

"You've been going through alot. I hope you find happiness jiminie" he whispered then caressed jimin's hair before walking to the light switch to turn it off before leaving the room and shutting the door.

(Time skip)

After that day that jimin talked to taehyung, he tried his best to forget about it by doing things that makes him happy but it doesn't seem to work.

Yoongi has also moved into the house jimin bought for him, with Hoseok and he also got them a jeep.

Jimin loved that Yoongi's finally happy with his lover so all he has to do now is find his own happiness.

So jimin went to the grocery store.



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