2. Changes

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The walk home was calm. You walked next to Luke as the other three boys walked before you, commenting every single thing they came across in the street. It was awkward to have Luke silent next to you though, so you decided to break the ice by talking about the first thing that crossed your mind.

"So uh—- where do you live?" You asked, turning his attention to the blonde who didn't look like he expected you to talk at all. "Not too far from here, just two streets from here" He replied shyly, looking down as he continued to walk next to you. "Really? So do I! How come we never saw each other?" You weren't being too talkative for him, right? "I don't know, but we could go there togheter if you-"

"Luke and (Y/N) sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g!" Michael interrupted, making all of the other boys chuckle at his comment. Luke couldn't help but blush at the red-haired boy, stroking the back of his head. "I don't like him..." He mumbled. But Michael wanted to play. He held both of your heads and almost smashed them into each other. "Now kiss!" He cheerfuly said, forcing you to kiss on the lips. Ashton and Calum only cheered at the sight, high fiving each other.

"Don't worry, we're going separate ways now, don't do anything naughty while we aren't there!" He shooted an evil smirk at Luke. "Goodbye guys" The three of them waved at you before going their way, looking at something in Ashton's phone and laughing, how cheerful could they possibly be?

"I'm sorry about the, you know, the kiss." He sighed, looking away from your (y/e/c) eyes. He was noticeably embarrased, and you had to comfort him. "Don't worry, that's my first kiss, but now I can say I had mine with a really cool guy!" You surely made him feel good, as he now met your eyes and couldn't resist the grin growing on his face. "Hey, thank you, you're cool too dude!"


The way home seemed quicker than usual, was it Luke's fault? You guys seemed to connect right away, making each other feel comfortable around each other. Even if Luke seemed to be pretty introverted, he had opened up quite a lot to you, it almost seemed like you had spent all your life with him, when you only spent some hours togheter. You hadn't felt so good before, you had always been a pariah but it seemed like everything was changing from there. With new friends, everything else seemed new as well. These boys were the best people you had met so far, and you hope to never lose them.

"Do you want to meet up tomorrow to go togheter to school?" You asked the boy, even though you could already intuit the answer.

"Yeah, do you wanna meet up in my door? I live right there, that house next to the black car" He pointed at the house with his fingers, checking on you to see if you had understood him. "Alright, I'll come pick you up at 8AM!" Could it be 8AM already? "'Right dude, see you then!" He replied as he got his keys out. Your house was not too far from his, and when you were sure the blonde had already entered his house, you ran to your house, opening the door as fast as you could and immediately went to your bedroom, grinning as you laid down on bed and picked out your phone, clicking on the instagram app and searching for the boys' username.

"24 following" Your profile read. You only followed some singers you loved and now, the four boys you could now name friends. The first to follow you back was Luke, and although you waited, it seemed like the other ones weren't going to follow you anytime soon. You couldn't stay there staring at your phone screen forever, though, so you simply grabbed yourself some milkshake and sat near the window, staring at the busy city. It was a beautiful sight, or at least to you, it was. People walked around calmly, while others ran to their job. There were also many cars invading the road, they never seemed to stop, but hey, people always have somewhere to go.

You were brought down to earth as you heard a ring from your phone, which you lazily picked up.

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"(Y/N), it's Ashton, I have to tell you something."

"Can't it wait? I don't think my mind can take any information right now Ash."

"No, it can't."

You simply groaned through the phone, stroking your leg and nodding. Though obviously, Ashton couldn't see that through the phone, how stupid of you.

"Fiiine, go ahead."

"You're not going to believe this."

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