6. Forbidden

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"Thanks for the car ride, Harry."

"It's no problem, but you should thank me some other way."

"What kind of way?"

"Let me show you."

Harry's huge hands slid down your thigh, something that captured your attention the moment you felt the electrifying sensation thrown up your body. You wish you were able to stop him, since you were in public, but you weren't. You couldn't find that strenght inside of you as it seemed like Harry took all of it away. But you enjoyed it, enjoyed the pleasure he gave you, and even though you knew a relationship with Harry would go nowhere, you couldn't resist his chesire cat smile, inches away from your lush lips which he looked at like a pedrator ready to have his meal.

But would you fall into the rabbit hole for him?

"What the hell are you doing?!" A growl came from nowhere, and you followed the sound, only to find a furious Luke standing not too far from you, along with the boys. They all seemed to be looking at Harry. They must have followed you two and waited for the right moment to attack.

"What's your problem?" Harry answered, raising an eyebrow looking at the boys through the gradient of his sunglasses.

"What have you done to him?" Calum asked as he pointed at you "Yeah, I don't think you want to mess with us" Michael added as he cracked his knuckles, that's the angriest you've ever seen him before.

"Shut up, this is not any of your business!" You replied, defending Harry.

"No, YOU shut up (Y/N), this is between him and us, stay the fuck away." Ashton said harshly. And it bothered you, you weren't going to shut up now.

"Harry, push the pedal" You mentioned as you shared eye contact with Ashton, frowning right back at him.

"You aren't going anywhere." Calum said, he stepped right in front of the car and then he put both his hands on it, staring right at the two of you.

Harry simply sighed. "I'm getting tired of this, stay in the car, (Y/N)" He then got out of the car, and cracked his knuckles in front of the boys, obviously mocking Michael's previous action.

"We don't want to fight, we just want an explanation, what did you do to him?" Calum said as he stepped closer to Harry this time, pushing him lightly.

"First of all, don't touch me, second, I gave (Y/N) everything he wanted." He stated, smirking to himself. The boys shared a confused look and then turned their attention to you. Following Harry's words, you licked your lips teasingly and grinned to yourself, hinting at a sexual experience you and Harry might have had.

It all just pissed the boys off more.

But you liked it.

"Maybe if you hadn't done what you did to him, you would be able to have a piece of what's mine now" Proud words left his lips as he shrugged and got back into his car, putting his hand on your thigh and waving the boys goodbye as a way to make fun of them.

They all watched as you and Harry made your way far, far from them. You didn't care about the boys anymore, they had hurt you, and they said Karma is a bitch. It was proven.

As Harry drove the car, his long dark curls moved with the air in a sensual way, they almost seemed to move in slow motion, but it was just your imagination. What wasn't your imagination, however, was the hand that stroked your thigh in a possesive way, something that turned you on as hell, but you made sure to try to ignore it, even though you could read Harry like a magazine, and knew he had already done things to you in his mind at least, a kind of imagination you bet he wanted to put to practice.

You grabbed your iPhone and opened your Instagram. It was unbelievable, as you had gotten a lot of male followers, who were obviously guys from your school, and even some chicks. Between all of them, there they were. Michael, Calum and Ashton started following you. Luke had already followed you before anything happened.

For your own entertainment, you decided to take a selfie with Harry, a selfie that showed how much you had changed overnight, let it be to please yourself or plant the seed of jealousy in other guys.

Something transformative.

The picture showed you and Harry in his car, you smiled and planted a kiss on Harry's cheek, while it was visible how Harry had kept a hand on your thigh, something that'd make more than one guy jealous.

You put a fancy filter over it and uploaded it right away.

It wasn't surprising how the picture got tons of likes in just seconds, since you were the new trend, the boy everyone wanted to have, little did they know, you couldn't be tamed.

"Your house is around here, right?" Harry asked you as he pointed at a house in front of you.

"Yeah, it is, thank you." You turned to him on purpose, giving him a suggestive smirk, and he found the meaning behind that naughty smirk of you and went ahead, taking the offer.

Your lips pressed togheter in a soft yet sweet manner at first, only to blend into a more passional and hot kiss, with slow movements and wet sounds surrounding the air around you. In no time, he bit your bottom lip, to part them both and put his tongue inside of your mouth as he cupped your cheek, bringing you closer to him as he played with your tongue, it almost seemed like both your tongues danced togheter in a rhythm you had chosen.

The make out was intense, and you couldn't hold back clear moans coming from the back of your throat. Harry was a great kisser, a very hot and sensual lover, if you could be more specific, but you guys didn't have anything, you were mere friends... but Harry wanted to make something more of you, and you would take the pleasure he gave you in the way.

However, it seemed like destiny wanted things its way, as you were quickly interrupted by a way too familiar guy you should have seen coming.

Damn, couldn't you have fun with Harry just for a second?

He didn't live too far from you and he would be making his way back home after you crossed him minutes ago, the make out session was enough for him to catch up with you. You could almost see through the pain in his oceanic blue eyes.


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