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"Please, please, give me a break, I can't do this again, please!" You yelled while laying on the hospital's bed, your upper body propped up with each foot hooked into some metal pedals in each corner of the bed to keep your legs spread.

The doctor pulled away, looking up from in between your legs with pity eyes and shook her head.

"We can't stop the process sweetheart, a pause can cause an alteration and we're already more than halfway there! I promise!" You were processing what she was saying, with tears streaming down your cheeks, your bottom lip busted open from biting onto it way too hard to control your cries. The pain was unbearable, feeling like you were being split open, your insides being ripped apart.

But you wanted this. You both wanted this. Something is wrong with you, it has to be. There's no other explanation for it, no matter if the doctors ran a bunch of tests on you and said everything should really be fine, you didn't believe that. Something was not working, but you really wanted this.

So you nodded for your doctor to proceed, and the pain worsened from there.


"Buckley!" You busted the bar doors open in a slam, red faced, completely pissed off, already strutting towards the all too well booth and there she was. Hiding behind Steve at the corner of the seat, and your glare was digging a bullet through her skull. Robin gulped and looked over Steve's shoulder.

"H-Hi! I'm sorry I didn't–"

"Sorry?! You left me to do Hargrove's presentation all by myself! And now I find you drinking again after telling me you felt sick in your stomach today! What's the fucking deal Robin!?" You were pissed, so much, you didn't notice the man sitting across Robin while he took a sip of his beer.

"Shit, baby, I'm sorry– I just didn't feel like going into work today either, and now I feel better!" She tried to excuse herself but you shook your head at her, sitting inside the booth, right next to the man that was looking at you as if you were crazy because you still hadn't noticed him, and now you were sitting next to him.

Your eyes were filled with rage, and also another feeling you didn't want to feel with Robin. You were feeling used. As if she had taken advantage of you for this project, but you didn't even have to punish her for it, because–

"Beer for She-Hulk." You heard Jonathan talk, and he knew you too well, placing the cold beer right in front of your face. Whenever you were angry, you ordered beer instead of a sweet drink. You grabbed onto the bottle and took a large sip of it, Steve's eyes frowning in worry as he looked back and forth to you and the man next to you.

"Um–" Robin began and you slammed your bottle on the table, giving a huge sigh. You looked down at the condensation of the bottle, and you knew you would have to deliver the news to Robin. So without looking up, you kept staring at the label of the beer.

"Mrs. Liana took you off our project." And silence fell on the table. Robin was looking at you, completely perplexed as you kept looking down at the bottle. She knew she didn't help you much with the project, but it still stung in her heart that she was ripped away from it.

"You didn't stop her?" She asked you and you looked up at her with a frown on your eyebrows.

"What did you want me to say? All the beta presentations of the project were done by me because you didn't know what to say Robs. No matter if I did a speech for you or not! And then, the final presentation and you didn't show either!" You did try to help Robin be more into the project, knowing it was a big opportunity for the both of you, but she was busy with Vickie visiting, or going out with Steve, or 'feeling sick'.

Baring Teeth ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now