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The world is a mysterious, yet ever changing thing.

A world where once reigned in just two secondary genders at one point. Alpha and Omega. A world where one claimed one another as forever mates, one able to provide of children, the other to be the protector of its pack.

But now it is 2023. The world only reigns in Betas, the middle in between an Alpha and Omega, someone who provides children with the adequate amount of treatments and prescriptions in medications, making them fertile. That is how the world procreated and mutated into just this kind of gender.

This happened once laws started being created, feeling as if Omegas did not have any kind of say in many things, regarding them as small, powerless, and people who were just created for the sole purpose of procreation. That led to forced mating, even rape and abuse. Omegas who did not feel bonded to their Alphas in any way, even Omegas being sold as slaves and breeding machines.

After the 1900's the Omega and Alpha population decreased, and it continued on till the days of today. People dated who they wanted, married who they wanted, and procreated with who they desired and if they desired it.

Alphas and Omegas do not exist.

But mother nature is wise.


"I do not!" You screamed loudly as you blocked yet another person off from your dating app. Robin was sitting next to you as she laughed loudly, throwing her head back with the bottle of beer in her hand.

"Yes, yes you are picky, and it's time you realize this." She commented, making you squirm in your place.

"Robin, committing to someone is a big deal, it's not that I'm picky cause I want to." You tried to excuse yourself with the faintest of blushes and then Steve looked at the screen and back at you as he took a sip of his beer. The bar you are in was not that crowded yet, the Happy Hour started a few minutes ago, and you had decided with your friends to come by for a drink since it was friday already and the stress from work was eating you up.

"Okay, what did this guy have then?" Steve asked, pointing at the phone. You shrugged, scrunching up your nose as you looked at the picture with the 'Blocked' sign over it.

"Well, he was nice, and all..." You started and Steve hummed, coarsing you to keep going. "But then he started talking about his ex, and that's like, a big red flag." Steve now made a face of disgust and looked at Robin.

"Okay, yeah, she's got a point there Robs." He says with a nod and you look at Robin with an 'I told you so' grin. She just rolled her eyes at you and took another sip of her drink.

"It doesn't take away the fact that you are picky. Last guy, you fucked him, and he wasn't good at it. Then the other girl you rejected because her hair had not been washed for a week, which by the way, it's normal for a healthy scalp! Then there was Thomas, who I don't know why you even rejected." Robin says with a cross of her arms, looking at you and you simply shrugged.

"He was just... He was just that. Meh." You say with a shrug, taking a sip of your daiquiri. Another voice chirps in, making you look up at the bartender in front of you.

"I can say you are picky." Jonathan says while wiping the glass in his hand. He was grinning at you as you sunk in the bar in shame. "Yeah, I have a right to say it."

"It was different with you Jonathan, I just felt like a friendship connection with you, instantly." You say with a wince and a blush. Jonathan had asked you out the first time he met you, and you did go on a date with him because he seemed nice and polite, only to find out that you weren't really attracted to the poor guy. Gladly, he had said the same thing about you, and even if you kissed in order to find that out, there was never awkwardness between you two.

Baring Teeth ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now