Only a Little Bit...

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Zelda carefully snuck through the house, doing her best not to wake the knight. To her surprise, the knight was already awake, grooming the horse in his stable.

(A stray fireball from the Demon Dragon had destroyed her house in Hateno, which led to her once again living with Link in his new home in Tarrey Town.)

Zelda paused before she dared to speak, afraid of startling the knight. Link turned when he sensed he was being watched.

Wordlessly, he waved her over and held out his brush. Zelda took it and carefully began brushing the beautiful brown horse....

Link sat on the railing and yawned.

Zelda decided she didn't quite like the silence and thus decided to fill it. "Why are you up so late?"

Link hesitated before giving his one-word response. "Nightmares."

Zelda nodded in understanding. "Do you want to talk about them...?"

Link quickly shook his head, as Zelda expected. Trying to get Link to open up about his feelings was like trying to kill a Stalnox without hitting its eye. A losing battle, but one she ended up fighting anyways.

They had grown much closer over the years, but... he still kept his emotional distance. It was like all of the progress he had made with her since before the Calamity had been undone by Ganon coming back once again.

She shook her head to clear her mind. Link saw her troubled expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing- nothing at all," Zelda quickly responded, " just.... Wondering how the Sages are doing. We haven't visited them in a while."

Link nodded, though she could tell he didn't believe her lie. He stood up. "Come on."

Zelda looked to him questioningly.

He led the way inside, grabbing thick cloaks for cold weather, woven with the power of fire. He gently draped it over her shoulders and fastened it for her. Zelda felt his hand linger on her shoulder a moment longer than he needed to while he adjusted it. He stepped away and threw on his own cloak with far less care than when he was assisting Zelda with hers.

He took out his Purah Pad and held out his hand for Zelda to take. She put her hand in his and he tapped a button on the tablet. They disappeared, and reappeared in the icy Hebra region, standing near a chasm.

The gloom that once emanated from the hole was no more, and was instead replaced with snow. Pure white snow that glittered in the moonlight...

Link led the way to the edge of the hole and peered downwards. Right on cue, the ice dragon Naydra began to rise out of the hole.

Link once again took Zelda's hand, and with what she could've sworn to be a grin...

"No- nononono-" But it was too late. They were falling down the hole. Zelda screamed and clung to Link. He laughed and opened his paraglider, managing to hold it with one hand for just long enough to land softly on Naydra's horns. Zelda, furious, looked to him- but the warm smile on his face made all of her anger melt away. Naydra straightened out and Link gently helped Zelda past the horns and into the thick neck fluff of the dragon.

He sat down and made space for her next to him. She sat with him.

After a moment of hesitation, she let herself fall to the side and into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her.

The two watched as snow billowed around and wind swirled Naydra's fur. Link's hair flowed freely around his face. Zelda looked to him to find him staring at her.

He blinked and quickly looked away with what Zelda could've sworn was a bit of blush on his cheeks.

"Are you... blushing?"

"No- it's just... really cold. My whole body turns red when I'm cold..."

"I've seen you when you're cold. You're blushing!"

"No I am not- you're the one who's blushing."

She rolled her eyes- he wasn't wrong, her cheeks were in fact rather warm.

She sighed softly and shivered a bit. Link pulled her in a bit closer.

"... Okay, maybe I am blushing..."

Zelda chuckled and looked out towards the moonlight. Link followed her gaze.

"But... I'm only blushing a little bit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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