Chapter 18: A Flash of Pink

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It was the next day and Rowan was at her job, staring at the clock. She watched as the second hand of the clock ticked, getting closer and closer to the 12 which would mean that her shift was over.

She felt a body collide with hers from behind and she turned to see Vonte stumbling back from the collision. He had his phone in his hand and he clutched it as he looked up to see what he had run into.

"Rowan, why the hell are you just standing outside of the break room?" He asked before rubbing his head. "And why the hell are you built like a brick wall? That hurt..."

"I have to leave right when our shift is over," Rowan told him, ignoring his comment as she glanced back at the clock. "I have an event that I'm going to later. I have to go home and get ready."

"Oh for real?" Vonte asked. "Where are you going?"

"Georgia invited me to some celebration thing at Adam's job that's going on later on tonight."

Rowan glanced over at Vonte to see him looking at her judgingly.


"You're going to Adam's job, the man who tried to attack you the last time you saw each other may I remind you?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. She'd told Vonte that she and Georgia made up and he warned her to be extremely cautious going forward. She guessed that this didn't fit in his categorization of being cautious.

"I'm not going to let her deal with a bunch of stuck-up business people and their partners for an entire evening while she gets ignored by Adam," Rowan said, smiling once the clock read two o'clock. "I'm going because I'm a good friend. I'd do the same for you."

"Yeah but you don't want to fuck me," He said before walking past her and into the break room. She rolled her eyes and followed him inside, grabbing her belongings as she got ready to leave. "Unless you do. Which, hey, I wouldn't blame you for" He continued with a slap of his own ass.

"Goodbye, Vonte," she said with a shake of her head as she walked out of the room.

She heard him yell out a goodbye of his own as she headed towards the front of the store. She walked outside and the cold air hit her skin as she made her way to the bus stop.

Once she made it home, she went through her closet and found the button-up that she wore on her birthday. She laid that along with a pair of black dress pants down on her bed and then she went and took a shower. Once she finished with that, she pulled on some underwear and went into the kitchen. She made herself a sandwich as she let her hair dry, watching some funky cartoon that was playing on the TV. Once it became five o'clock, she stood up, discarded her plate, and went back into her room to get dressed. She pulled on the pants and the shirt, buttoning it up but she left the last two buttons undone. She put on the chain that Georgia had bought her for her birthday, deciding that today was a special enough day to wear it. She walked out of her room and into her Dad's, taking his cologne off of his dresser and spraying herself with a little bit of it. She was walking back into her room when she saw her phone buzzing on her dresser. She went over and answered it when she saw that it was Georgia who was calling her.


"Hi Ro," Georgia greeted. "I'm downstairs."

"Already?" Rowan questioned, looking at the clock in her room. It was only 5:48.

"Yeah, Adam's complaining that his coworkers are teasing him about his wife not being there so we're going to get there a bit early," Georgia told her.

"Oh, he's not in the car?" Rowan asked as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She then put on her pair of black dress shoes and pocketed her keys before walking out of her room and turning all of the lights off in the house.

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