Chapter 31: Holy Shit

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For the next two days, you would think that things would be different now that Rowan knew that Georgia liked girls. Georgia being 'straight' was the only thing stopping Rowan from confessing how she felt now that Georgia was technically single. Rowan should've acted immediately. She had been waiting months for an opportunity like this.

But no.

She hadn't made a move yet.

It was almost like the fact that Georgia was bisexual hadn't fully settled in yet. Yes, she had heard Georgia tell her that loud and clear, but it was almost unbelievable. Like her mind was playing tricks on her.

She had waited for a revelation like this for so long, and now that it had happened it was almost like Rowan was in shock.

The four of them went out during those two days and Rowan watched the way that Georgia would look at other women, her giving women the same lingering glances that she had seen her give men, but it still didn't click in her mind. She had been caught staring at Georgia a lot because Rowan would sit and study her, still trying to associate Georgia with the word bisexual in her mind.

It was the Friday after her last shift for the week and she was in a pizza place's parking lot with Vonte as they munched on some $3 slices that the store sold. She was zoning out, thinking about Georgia as she slowly ate her food. Whatever Vonte was ranting to her about sounded like a buzz in her ear as she stared out of the window at the people walking by.

"Girl, are you even listening to me?" She heard after Vonte shook her shoulder.

She blinked. "Huh?"

Vonte rolled his eyes. "Here I am having a meltdown and your ass ain't even listening to me," he pouted. "What's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, go ahead and speak, listening now," she told him. She hadn't told Vonte about Georgia's revaluation yet, because she actually didn't want Vonte to know. She knew what the man would do if he found out; tease her mercilessly. She liked that this was a thing that only she and Georgia knew about.

"Okay so," Vonte said. "Jamie and I have been getting a bit more serious...I think that he's going to ask me to be his boyfriend soon."

"I thought that you guys were already dating?" Rowan asked before taking a big bite of pizza.

"Yeah, dating," Vonte told her. "Dating and being in a relationship are two different things."

"Okay then...why are you saying this like it's a bad thing then?" Rowan asked with a raised brow.

"It's not a bad thing. It's just—you know how I am with relationships. I haven't been in a committed, long-term relationship since—"

"Since Remy, I know," Rowan said. "Dude, you can't be scared of getting into another relationship because one guy broke your heart."

"He didn't just break my heart, Ro," Vonte told her. "He cheated on me!"

"Jamie doesn't seem like the type to do that though," Rowan said.

"You don't know that for sure!" Vonte exclaimed. "We thought the same thing about Remy!"

"Well technically we only believed that he was out of his whore phase," Rowan told him. "We were wrong about that, but I'm sure we're not wrong about Jamie."

Vonte groaned and laid his head on the steering wheel. "I'm scared, Ro," Vonte whispered. "I think if I get hurt again, I'm going to rule off relationships for the rest of my life."

"Don't do that," Rowan told him. "Even if this doesn't work, you shouldn't stop looking for real love. It's out there."

Vonte simply banged his head lightly on the steering wheel in response.

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