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Fuli POV

I was hunting something when

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I was hunting something when...

Janja: hello Fuli (does a hyena laugh)

Me: Janja! Get OUT of the Pride Lands!

Janja: we just got here! Attack!

Cheezi lunges at me but I ran off. Chungu tries to pounce but I turned the tables and pounced on him. Janja knocked me off of Chungu and pinned me down.

Janja: not so tough now are you Fuli!?

Me: shut up!! let me go NOW!!

janja: (does another hyena laugh) No!

Janja slashes my throat.

Me: AHH!!

I have blood pouring down my throat. Despite this i still try to drive the hyenas off. I slash at Janja's eye, giving him a small scar and i kick him off of me.

Janja: you are trying to defeat us when you're injured?! H-how!?

Me: (panting) because....i will... not let ... you!

I jump at Janja and bite his ear

Janja: Ow!! You imbecile! You are dying! Why are you fighting?!

Me: because.. I never... give up!!

Janja's hyenas ran off and soon so did he. They fled to the Outlands. I look at my wounds. My paw is bleeding so is my throat. My tail has scratches all over.

Me: h...huwezi!

I try to run back to the Lair. I am really slow because I am very, very injured badly. My legs are trembling. My vision is getting blurry. I stumble a few times. I can now only walk as I stumble like.. 11 times.

I saw a watering hole and I drank from it. That got my strength up a little bit as I kept walking for hours. I am very close to my den as I walk towards it. My vision got blurrier and blurrier. My legs were trembling a lot.

As soon as I got to the cave and went down it, I collapsed on the floor. I looked at my wounds again. They were much worse because I ran and walked so far. My tail was hurting, so, so much. If I could only make it back to the Lion Guard lair...

But I can't. I am too injured. I slowly close my eyes as I fight to stay awake.

Me: k...Kion...I.. I l-love you

I go unconscious.

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