Stay With Me

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Kion POV

Me and Fuli are alone in her den

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Me and Fuli are alone in her den.

Me: Fuli...

Fuli: y..yes kion?

Me: stay with me, please. Don't die.  Please don't die.

Fuli: I don't wanna die either... k...kion... but I'm so... I...injured and I... I love you...

Me: I love you too Fuli. Stay with me. Please.

Fuli: (yawns) I'm tired...

Me: go to sleep Fuli. I'll go hunt for you.

Fuli smiled weakly and went to sleep.

I hunted an antelope and brung it to Fuli

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I hunted an antelope and brung it to Fuli.

Me: here, you're going to need your strength.

Fuli: t...Thank you Kion 

Me: no problem Fuli

Fuli ate the antelope. We laid down again next to each other. I nuzzled Fuli and she nuzzled back. Her fur is so soft. So warm. I felt myself and Fuli purr. Suddenly, I felt Fuli stop nuzzling me. I looked and Fuli was asleep.

She was tired. I rubbed my head against Fuli's.

Me: Goodnight. I love you Fuli.

Fuli: goodnight Kion. I love you too.

Soon I also fell asleep.

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